openhab-3.x-sonoff copied to clipboard
Openhab Binding for Sonoff Devices
sonoff Binding
Allows Control/Updates of Ewelink based devices using the cloud and/or LAN.
Supported Things
Currently known to support (non exhaustive):
Mixed Mode - UUID1: S20, S26, Basic, Mini, Mini PciE Card
Mixed Mode - UUID2: Unknown Models
Mixed Mode - UUID3: Unknown Models
Mixed Mode - UUID4: Unknown Models
Mixed Mode - UUID5: POW
Mixed Mode - UUID6: T11C, TX1C, G1
Mixed Mode - UUID7: T12C, TX2C
Mixed Mode - UUID8: T13C, TX3C
Mixed Mode - UUID9: Unknown Models
Mixed Mode - UUID15: TH10, TH16
Cloud Only - UUID24: 1 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID27: 1 Channel GSM Socket
Mixed Mode - UUID28: RFBRIDGE (Only sensors currently supported, awaiting remote logs)
Cloud Only - UUID29: 2 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID30: 3 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID31: 4 Channel GSM Socket
Mixed Mode - UUID32: POWR2
Mixed Mode - UUID77: MICRO USB
Cloud Only - UUID81: 1 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID82: 2 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID83: 3 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID84: 4 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID66: Zigbee Bridge
Cloud Only - UUID107: 1 Channel GSM Socket
Cloud Only - UUID2026: Zigbee Motion Sensor
Add an 'Account' thing and configure.
email: your ewelink email address
password: your ewelink password
accessmode: your choice of mode for the binding (local,cloud,mixed)
The account should now come online. Run discovery to create the cache required for all devices, you can manually add as text files once this is complete.
Should any devices not be supported please send @delid4ve the file that is generated for the deviceid you want added.
- Please note there is a known bug within openhab if you are using text files. If on changing a config parameter your devices do not come online then please remove the file file and re-add. If this does not resaolve the issue you may have to remove and re-add the binding.
Once you have initialized the account, run discovery as normal.
All devices support automatic discovery and this must be run even if using text based files in order to create a cache.
For Sub devices, i.e sensors connected to an RF Bridge or Zigbee bridge, add the main device and then run discovery again to find any connected devices.
Local vs Cloud
Not all devices support local mode such as the zigbee bridge.
If local mode is supported and once initialized, the device can be blocked by your firewall to prevent external access.
If you are in mixed mode, locally supported devices can be blocked at your firewall and will use local only mode
POW/POWR2 in local mode:
In order to retreive energy data when operating in local only mode there are 2 seperate configuration parameters: (Not required when in LAN Development mode)
Enable Local Polling: enable local polling of energy data
Polling Interval for Local Only mode: interval in seconds betwen polls
POW/POWR2 Consumption:
In order to retreive consumption data (cloud only) there are 2 seperate configuration parameters:
Enable consumption polling: on/off
Polling interval for consumption data: interval in seconds to retreive the data
Please bear in mind that polling for data is a burden on your system resources. Data such as consumption realy only needs to be fetched every 24 hours (86400 seconds).
Please report any bugs on my github:
Please ensure you include the version you are using and any debug log information that is applicable. Please also include the file that is created for the device under userdata/sonoff/deviceid.txt
Thing Configuration
POW / POWR2 Devices support consumption polling
Devices listed as Local or Mixed Mode support local polling
Bridge sonoff:account:uniqueName "Sonoff Account" @ "myLocation"
[ email="[email protected]", password="myPassword",accessmode="mixed"] {
32 PowR2 "PowR2" @ "thingLocation" [ deviceid="1000bd9fe9",local=false,localPoll=10,consumption=false,consumptionPoll=10] ]
77 USBSwitch "USB Switch" @ "thingLocation" [ deviceid="1000dc155b",local=false,localPoll=10 ]
Bridge sonoff:28:uniqueName:RFBridge "RFBridge" @ "thingLocation" [ deviceid="1000e72cb8" ] {
rfsensor DoorContact "Door Contact" @ "contactLocation" [ deviceid="0" ]
rfsensor WindowContact "Window Contact" @ "contactLocation" [ deviceid="1" ]
rfsensor PIRSensor "PIR Sensor" @ "sensorLocation" [ deviceid="2" ]
rfremote2 Remote1 "2 Button Remote" @ "wherever" [ deviceid="3" ]
rfremote4 Remote2 "4 Button Remote" @ "wherever" [ deviceid="5" ]
Bridge sonoff:66:benfleet:ZigbeeBridge "Zigbee Bridge" @ "bridgeLocation" [ deviceid="1000f60f3d"] {
zmotion MotionSensor "Motion Sensor" @ "sensorLocation" [ deviceid="a48000a933"]
Item Configuration
Main Devices
Switch Switch "Switch" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:switch"}
Number Current "Current" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:current"}
Number Voltage "Voltage" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:voltage"}
Number Power "Power" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:power"}
Number Today "Energy Usage Today" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:todayKwh"}
Number Yesterday "Energy Usage Yesterday" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:yesterdayKwh"}
Number Seven "Energy Usage Last Week" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:sevenKwh"}
Number Thirty "Energy Usage Last Month" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:thirtyKwh"}
Number Hundred "Energy Usage Last Hundred" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:hundredKwh"}
String CloudConnected "Cloud Connected" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:cloudOnline"}
String LocalConnected "LAN Connected" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:localOnline"}
Number Rssi "Signal Stength" {channel="sonoff:32:uniqueName:PowR2:rssi"}
String RFBridgeCloudConnected "Cloud Connected" {channel="sonoff:28:uniqueName:RFBridge:cloudOnline"}
String RFBridgeLANConnected "LAN Connected" {channel="sonoff:28:uniqueName:RFBridge:localOnline"}
Number RFBridgeRssi "Signal Stength" {channel="sonoff:28:uniqueName:RFBridge:rssi"}
RF Sensors
DateTime DoorOpened "Door Opened" {channel="sonoff:rfsensor:uniqueName:RFBridge:DoorContact:rf0External"}
DateTime WindowOpened "Front Door Opened" {channel="sonoff:rfsensor:uniqueName:RFBridge:WindowContact:rf0External"}
DateTime MotionDetected "Motion Detected" {channel="sonoff:rfsensor:uniqueName:RFBridge:PIRSensor:rf0External"}
RF Remotes
Switch Remote1Arm "Arm alarm" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:button0"}
Switch Remote1Disarm "Disarm alarm" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:button1"}
Switch Remote2Arm "Arm alarm" {channel="sonoff:rfremote4:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote2:button0"}
Switch Remote2Disarm "Disarm alarm" {channel="sonoff:rfremote4:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote2:button1"}
Switch Remote2PartArm "Part Arm alarm" {channel="sonoff:rfremote4:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote2:button2"}
Switch Remote2SOS "SOS" {channel="sonoff:rfremote4:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote2:button3"}
DateTime Remote1Button1External "Arm Alarm Triggered By Remote" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:rf0External"}
DateTime Remote1Button2External "Disarm Alarm Triggered By Remote" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:rf1External"}
DateTime Remote1Button1Internal "Arm Alarm Triggered By Openhab" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:rf0Internal"}
DateTime Remote1Button2Internal "Disarm Alarm Triggered By Openhab" {channel="sonoff:rfremote2:uniqueName:RFBridge:Remote1:rf1Internal"}
Zigbee Sensor
Switch MotionDetected "Motion Detected" {channel="sonoff:zmotion:uniqueName:ZigbeeBridge:MotionSensor:motion"}
Number MotionSensorBattery "PIR Battery Level" {channel="sonoff:zmotion:uniqueName:ZigbeeBridge:MotionSensor:battery"}
DateTime MotionActivated "PIR Activated" {channel="sonoff:zmotion:uniqueName:ZigbeeBridge:MotionSensor:trigTime"}
Huge thanks to the following, this would not be possible without you: