Translate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Translate copied to clipboard

PHP translation library

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Easy to use i18n translation PHP class for multi-language websites with language auto detection and plurals.

PSR-6 translation containers. PSR-3 logger.


How to install

Add this line to your composer.json file:

"delfimov/translate": "~2.0"


composer require delfimov/translate

Alternatively, copy the contents of the Translate folder into one of your project's directories and require 'src/Translate.php';, require 'src/Loader/LoaderInterface.php';, require 'src/Loader/PhpFilesLoader.php'; If you don't speak git or just want a tarball, click the 'zip' button at the top of the page in GitHub.

A Simple Example

See example directory for sources.



use DElfimov\Translate\Translate;
use DElfimov\Translate\Loader\PhpFilesLoader;
use Monolog\Logger; // PSR-3 logger, not required  
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$log = new Logger('Translate');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));

$t = new Translate(
    new PhpFilesLoader(__DIR__ . "/messages"),
        "default" => "en",
        "available" => ["en", "ru"],
    $log // optional

$num = rand(0, 100);

$t->setLanguage("en"); // this is not required, language will be auto detected with Accept-Language HTTP header
echo $t->t('some string') . "\n\n"; // or $t('some string');
echo $t->plural('%d liters', $num) . "\n\n";
echo $t->plural("The %s contains %d monkeys", $num, ['tree', $num]) . "\n\n";

$num = rand(0, 100);

echo $t->t('some string')."\n\n"; // or $t('some string');
echo $t->plural('%d liters', $num) . "\n\n";
echo $t->plural("The %s contains %d monkeys", $num, ['tree', $num]) . "\n\n";



return [
    'some string' => 'Some string',
    '%d liters' => ['%d liter', '%d liters'],
    '%d liters alt' => '%d liter|%d liters',
    'The %s contains %d monkeys' => ['The %s contains %d monkey', 'The %s contains %d monkeys'],
    'The %s contains %d monkeys alt' => 'The %s contains %d monkey|The %s contains %d monkeys',


return [
    'some string' => 'Просто строка',
    '%d liters' => '%d литр|%d литра|%d литров',
    'The %s contains %d monkeys' => ['На %s сидит %d обезьяна', 'На %s сидят %d обезьяны', 'На %s сидят %d обезьян'],
    'The %s contains %d monkeys alt' => 'На %s сидит %d обезьяна|На %s сидят %d обезьяны|На %s сидят %d обезьян',
    'tree' => 'дереве'


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