flutter_starter copied to clipboard
Hello Jeff,
Great project that I think is very helpful and time-saving for other devs. I have one question because it seems that when I have my google sheet and update the documentId and the sheetId and run the command line dart update_localizations.dart
it works fine as seen below
Downloading Google sheet url "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ye9FMIJocRGBdOPk7CSo5obWlltcz2hPFiIn0B0P8ls/export?format=csv&id=1Ye9FMIJocRGBdOPk7CSo5obWlltcz2hPFiIn0B0P8ls&gid=0" ...
Saving localization.g.dart
But my file localizations.g.dart does not download the content in the google sheet
import 'package:get/get.dart';
class Localization extends Translations {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
It works fine when I use your google sheet document Id. Is it maybe that I need to do something with my google sheet? For example, make it public or download it somewhere else. Because it doesn’t seem that the code realizes there is content in my google sheet.
Is your document viewable to all in the google sheet settings?