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Some presentations about several topics
Index of my presentations
Offline first
Advices for effective caching and fetch strategies in Service Workers.
The Open Web at your Fingertips
Like other major Internet companies, Mozilla offers a network of resources for teaching and learning about the technologies needed to build content for the Web. Since it can be difficult to learn skills in isolation, Mozilla supports and is sustained by an extensive global community of volunteer contributors writing code, reporting and logging bugs, writing documentation and more. There are many Mozilla community spaces and projects where developers can share experiences, get involved in contributing to an open source collaborative free-software project, and learn from talented professionals.
From Web Application to Progressive Web Application
A progressive web application is simply a good old web application that exhibits native behaviour and performance on modern browsers. Discover in 30 minutes and through actual code snippets how to convert a web app into a progressive web app!
When is the Web the Right Answer —and Why?
Going native or building for Web is a perennial hot topic in the mobile development space, but treating these alternatives as irreconcilable is naive. Nowadays, each option offers distinct opportunities and advantages. With the advent of new web technologies such as Service Workers, Push API and Web Manifest, it's time to reconsider the Web as a competitive platform.
At your service: advanced uses of service workers
Service Workers are more than an application cache replacement, they are programmable proxies in the client side. Let's review some off-label uses for Service Workers!
Syntactic macros in Python
Syntactic macros grant the developer the right to abuse the language syntax for not intended goals.
One Encoding To Rule Them All
Plain text is a legend, a myth. Discover what happen each time you press a letter in There and Back Again, what an encoding scheme means and how to deal with codification in Python and JavaScript.
Method dispatching in Python
The presentation remember the importance of method dispatching in OOP in general and in Python in particular thorugh three examples (and two extra) of __getattribute__()
: typo tolerant APIs, restricted APIs and access control to private class members.
WebRTC & Web Components
The future of the Web will involve new ways of communications and modularization. The presentation talks about how the modern web will implement these new features through the use of WebRTC and Web Components and shows some examples of usage.
Idiomatic Python
The presentation provides common idioms you can find in Python related with the following topics:
- Syntax
- Loops
- Dictionaries
- List & Tuples
- Strings
- Contexts
Five algorithms easy to understand (that you probably don't know)
This is a presentation for the Telefonica master in Advanced Programming at U-TAD, Five algorithms easy to understand (that you probably don't know).
The presentation talks about 5 algorithms / techniques not very complicated but quite useful:
- Cryptograhpic hash functions
- Proof of work
- Centroid clustering
- MapReduce
- Linear time sorting
Beautiful APIs
Here you have my presentation for the Dev Con 2013, Beautiful APIs.
The presentation covers some design principles from the point of view of API desing. Identified principles are:
- Unity / Goal
- Harmony / Predictability
- Balance / Completeness
- Hierarchy / Modularity
- Proportion / Scope
- Emphasis / Features
Python data model
Here you have my presentation for the Dev Con 2013, Python data model.
The presentation presents the Python datamodel in a friendly way. Actually the main attraction was I drew the pictures on live during the conference. =)
Metaprogramming in Python & JavaScript
Here you have my presentation for the DEVCON1, Metaprogramming in Python & JavaScript.
The presentation is a comparison between both programming languages, specially its function model and present some interesting toppics:
- Evaluation of strings as programs
- Decorators
- DRY interfaces
- Dynamic runtime data models (Live APIs)
- On the fly methods
Continuation Passing Style with JavaScript
Here you have my presentation for the DEVCON1, Continuation Passing Style with JavaScript.
The presentation is an introduction about CPS in JavaScript that covers the following aspects:
- Comparison between CPS and classical style
- Current use of CPS
- Problems using CPS (The Pyramid of DOOM)
- Non-blocking programming
- Coordinating async functions (flatting the Pyramid of DOOM)