If I run `docker run -it mariadb:11.5.2 /bin/sh` and then enter `mariadb-binlog --help` I get 264 lines of output. But if I run `ctop-0.7.7-linux-amd64` and execute a shell on the...
How about creating a healthcheck? I'd like my proxy to wait until redmine container is ready before starting.
Running a goal like `versions:update-properties -Dincludes=*:*` takes for ages with many dependencies. Please allow resolving these in parallel like Maven would do itself.
With Caddyfile ``` { admin off auto_https off cache servers { metrics } } :80 { request_body 1GB encode zstd gzip cache reverse_proxy redmine:3000 handle_errors { respond "{err.status_code} {err.status_text}" }...
Despite its name the [ModifyCollectionInEnhancedForLoop]( rule applies to classic for loops as well as enhanced for loops. However, it does not apply to while loops, and maybe it should, and...
Have you considered adopting a module declaration? It would allow minimizing the exposure of JDK internals to errorprone, which would surface any abuse of these internals by other third-party libraries/annotation...
Plugins are an integral part of Redmine. A number of issues have been reported about plugins that require native extensions: If a plugin is installed into a container of...