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Suggestion for some changes in box.rb
I would like to suggest the following changes in the run_command method in box.rb. The purpose of that is to always get a coherent output of the command run, in any circonstances, specially when connections problems occurs.
- cmd_clean need to be declare at the beginning so in case of exception the rescue block gets it set to the real value and not nil
- move the begin statement right at the beginning so failure in "connect" is captured by the rescue block and then we can go through the "@rye_exception_hook" to treat it which is a real nice feature
- Move the connect after the the command has been "cleaned", I mean after line "rap.cmd = cmd_clean", so in case of connect problem the cmd_clean is already set
- Move the line "rap = Rye::Rap.new(self)" rigth at the beginning before the begin block, so it is available on return
- I would also see the begin... rescue block be put in a timeout so the command will not hung for ever.
Below is the run_command I suggest:
def run_command(*args, &blk)
debug "run_command"
cmd_clean = nil
rap = Rye::Rap.new(self)
cmd, args = prep_args(*args)
Timeout::timeout(@timeout) do |the_timeout|
cmd_clean = Rye.escape(@rye_safe, cmd, args)
# This following is the command we'll actually execute. cmd_clean
# can be used for logging, otherwise the output is confusing.
cmd_internal = prepend_env(cmd_clean)
# Add the current working directory before the command if supplied.
# The command will otherwise run in the user's home directory.
if @rye_current_working_directory
cwd = Rye.escape(@rye_safe, 'cd', @rye_current_working_directory)
cmd_internal = '(%s; %s)' % [cwd, cmd_internal]
# ditto (same explanation as cwd)
if @rye_current_umask
cwd = Rye.escape(@rye_safe, 'umask', @rye_current_umask)
cmd_internal = [cwd, cmd_internal].join(' && ')
## NOTE: Do not raise a CommandNotFound exception in this method.
# We want it to be possible to define methods to a single instance
# of Rye::Box. i.e. def rbox.rm()...
# can? returns the methods in Rye::Cmd so it would incorrectly
# return false. We could use self.respond_to? but it's possible
# to get a name collision. I could write a work around but I think
# this is good enough for now.
## raise Rye::CommandNotFound unless self.can?(cmd)
# begin
debug "COMMAND: #{cmd_internal}"
if !@rye_quiet && @rye_pre_command_hook.is_a?(Proc)
@rye_pre_command_hook.call(cmd_clean, user, host, nickname)
#rap = Rye::Rap.new(self)
rap.cmd = cmd_clean
connect if !@rye_ssh || @rye_ssh.closed?
raise Rye::NotConnected, @rye_host unless @rye_ssh && !@rye_ssh.closed?
channel = net_ssh_exec!(cmd_internal, &blk)
channel[:stderr].position = 0
channel[:stdout].position = 0
if channel[:exception]
rap = channel[:exception].rap
rap.add_stdout(channel[:stdout].read || '')
rap.add_stderr(channel[:stderr].read || '')
rap.exit_signal = channel[:exit_signal]
debug "RESULT: %s " % [rap.inspect]
# It seems a convention for various commands to return -1
# when something only mildly concerning happens. (ls even
# returns -1 for apparently no reason sometimes). Anyway,
# the real errors are the ones that are greater than zero.
raise Rye::Err.new(rap) if rap.exit_status != 0
rescue Exception => ex
return rap if @rye_quiet
choice = nil
@rye_exception_hook.each_pair do |klass,act|
next unless ex.kind_of? klass
choice = act.call(ex, cmd_clean, user, host, nickname)
if choice == :retry
elsif choice == :skip
# do nothing
elsif choice == :interactive && !@rye_shell
@rye_shell = true
previous_state = @rye_sudo
@rye_sudo = previous_state
@rye_shell = false
elsif !ex.is_a?(Interrupt)
raise ex, ex.message,ex.backtrace
if !@rye_quiet && @rye_post_command_hook.is_a?(Proc)
Thanks for this code review. I'll take a look soon and get back to you.