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Implementation-agnostic git-like hashes and history for Ruby objects
= Gibbler - v0.9
Git-like hashes and history for Ruby objects for Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby.
Check out the screencast[] created by Alex Peuchert.
== Some things to keep in mind
- Digest calculation may change between minor releases (as it did between 0.6 and 0.7)
- Gibbler history is not suitable for very large objects since it keeps complete copies of the object in memory. This is a very early implementation of this feature so don't rely on it for production code.
- Don't forget to enjoy your life!
== Example 1 -- Standalone Usage
require 'gibbler'
g = 'id', 1001 # => f4fb3796ababa3788d1bded8fdc589ab1ccb1c3d
g.base(36) # => sm71s7eam4hm5jlsuzlqkbuktwpe5h9
g == 'f4fb3796ababa3788d1bded8fdc589ab1ccb1c3d' # => true
g === 'f4fb379' # => true
== Example 2 -- Mixins Usage
require 'gibbler/mixins'
"kimmy".gibbler # => c8027100ecc54945ab15ddac529230e38b1ba6a1
:kimmy.gibbler # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
config = {}
config.gibbler # => 4fdcadc66a38feb9c57faf3c5a18d5e76a6d29bf
config.gibbled? # => false
config[:server] = {
:users => [:dave, :ali],
:ports => [22, 80, 443]
config.gibbled? # => true
config.gibbler # => ef23d605f8c4fc80a8e580f9a0e8dab8426454a8
config[:server][:users] << :yanni
config.gibbler # => 4c558a56bc2abf5f8a845a69e47ceb5e0003683f
config.gibbler.short # => 4c558a56
config.gibbler.base36 # => 8x00l83jov4j80i9vfzpaxr9jag23wf
config.gibbler.base36.short # => 8x00l83j
== Example 3 -- Object History
Gibbler can also keep track of the history of changes to an object. By default Gibbler supports history for Hash, Array, and String objects. The gibbler_commit method creates a clone of the current object and stores in an instance variable using the current hash digest as the key.
require 'gibbler/mixins'
require 'gibbler/history'
a = { :magic => :original }
a.gibbler_commit # => d7049916ddb25e6cc438b1028fb957e5139f9910
a[:magic] = :updated
a.gibbler_commit # => b668098e16d08898532bf3aa33ce2253a3a4150e
a[:magic] = :changed
a.gibbler_commit # => 0b11c377fccd44554a601e5d2b135c46dc1c4cb1
a.gibbler_history # => d7049916, b668098e, 0b11c377
a.gibbler_revert! 'd7049916' # Return to a specific commit
a.gibbler # => d7049916ddb25e6cc438b1028fb957e5139f9910
a # => { :magic => :original }
a.delete :magic
a.gibbler_revert! # Return to the previous commit
a.gibbler # => 0b11c377fccd44554a601e5d2b135c46dc1c4cb1
a # => { :magic => :changed }
a.gibbler_object 'b668098e' # => { :magic => :updated }
a.gibbler_stamp # => 2009-07-01 18:56:52 -0400
== Example 4 -- Method Aliases
If you have control over the namespaces of your objects, you can use the method aliases to tighten up your code a bit. The "gibbler" and "gibbled?" methods can be accessed via "digest" and "changed?", respectively. (The reason they're not enabled by default is to avoid conflicts.)
require 'gibbler/aliases'
"kimmy".digest # => c8027100ecc54945ab15ddac529230e38b1ba6a1
:kimmy.digest # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
a = [:a, :b, :c]
a.digest # => e554061823b8f06367555d1ee4c25b4ffee61944
a << :d
a.changed? # => true
The history methods also have aliases which remove the "gibbler_" prefix.
require 'gibbler/aliases'
require 'gibbler/history'
a = { :magic => :original }
# etc...
== Example 5 -- Different Digest types
By default Gibbler creates SHA1 hashes. You can change this globally or per instance.
require 'gibbler/mixins'
Gibbler.digest_type = Digest::MD5
:kimmy.gibbler # => 0c61ff17f46223f355759934154d5dcb
:kimmy.gibbler(Digest::SHA1) # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
In Jruby, you can grab the digest types from the openssl library.
require 'openssl'
Gibbler.digest_type = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256
:kimmy.gibbler # => 1069428e6273cf329436c3dce9b680d4d4e229d7b7...
== Example 6 -- All your base
require 'gibbler/mixins'
:kimmy.gibbler # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
:kimmy.gibbler.base(16) # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
:kimmy.gibbler.base(36) # => 9nydr6mpv6w4k8ngo3jtx0jz1n97h7j
:kimmy.gibbler.base(10) # => 472384540402900668368761869477227308873774630879
:kimmy.gibbler.to_i # => 472384540402900668368761869477227308873774630879
== Example 7 -- Global secret
Gibbler can prepend all digest inputs with a global secret. You can set this once per project to ensure your project's digests are unique.
require 'gibbler/mixins'
:kimmy.gibbler # => 52be7494a602d85ff5d8a8ab4ffe7f1b171587df
Gibbler.secret = "sUp0r5ekRu7"
:kimmy.gibbler # => 6c5f5aff4d809cec7e7da091214a35a2698489f8
== Supported Classes
Gibbler methods are available only to the classes which explicitly include them (see RDocs[] for details on which classes are supported by default). You can also extend custom objects:
class FullHouse
include Gibbler::Complex
attr_accessor :roles
a =
a.gibbler # => 4192d4cb59975813f117a51dcd4454ac16df6703
a.roles = [:jesse, :joey, :danny, :kimmy, :michelle, :dj, :stephanie]
a.gibbler # => 6ea546919dc4caa2bab69799b71d48810a1b48fa
Gibbler::Complex creates a digest based on the name of the class and the names and values of the instance variables. See the RDocs[] for other Gibbler::* types.
If you want to support all Ruby objects, add the following to your application:
class Object
include Gibbler::String
Gibbler::String creates a digest based on the name of the class and the output of the to_s method. This is a reasonable default for most objects however any object that includes the object address in to_s (e.g. "Object:0x0x4ac9f0...") will produce unreliable digests (because the address can change).
As of 0.7 all Proc objects have the same digest: 12075835e94be34438376cd7a54c8db7e746f15d.
== Known Issues
- gibbler or gibbled? must be called at least once before gibbled? will be able to return a useful value (otherwise there is no previous digest value to compare to)
- Digests for Bignum objects are different between Ruby and JRuby. Why?
- Digests for Proc objects are different between Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 because Proc.arity returns different values and 1.8 has no lambda? method.
== Installation
Via Rubygems:
$ gem install gibbler
or via download:
- gibbler-latest.tar.gz[]
== What People Are Saying
- "nice approach - everything is an object, every object is 'gittish'" -- @olgen_morten[]
- "gibbler is just awesome" -- @TomK32[]
- "wie cool ist Gibbler eigentlich?" -- @we5[]
- "it's nice idea and implementation!" -- HristoHristov[]
== More Info
- Codes[]
- RDocs[]
- Sponsor[]
- Inspiration[]
== Thanks
- Kalin Harvey (krrh[]) for the early feedback and artistic direction.
- Alex Peuchert (aaalex[]) for creating the screencast.
== Credits
- Delano Mandelbaum (delano[])
== License
See: LICENSE.txt