You are able to do this by clicking "Require Touch" when adding a code. This will 'hide' the codes until you 'touch' the YubiKey. Unfortunately, I don't believe it is...
@arodier Did you try what I suggested? It is basically what you asked for, but even more secure. Just obfuscating the codes is only useful if someone is sitting over...
You are right that they may be able to read the contents of the screen without having access to control the device. My point was that if security was important...
With regards to "time to implement it", that's a question for @dainnilsson However, with regards to _if_ it should be implemented - I will put my 2 pence in and...
I see what you are saying. I wasn't aware of this feature and it's not quite intuitive (I have since found it on the Yubico website . I understand the...
@fschlegelone you are right that the 32 TOTP's are hardware limited (much to my frustration as I need to carry 3 YubiKeys!). Where did you see that YubiKey Manager will...
Not sure if I should create a new "Issue" but I also found the same for `ykman config set-lock-code`. No confirmation of if it has been set correctly, but I...
@dainnilsson I agree. Inconsistency breads uncertainty. Perhaps the use of the `--force` flag could be used to define if there is an output or not? e.g. if `--force` is used,...
@dainnilsson Just wondered if you had any more thoughts on the following in a corporate environment (Desktop and Mobile): - "Remember password" disabled - "Require Touch" mandatory - Automatically set...