GoogleMaterialDesignIcons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GoogleMaterialDesignIcons copied to clipboard

Google Material Design Icons Font for iOS


Platform Language Issues

#Google Material Design Icons Font for iOS It is based on
it converts the material-design-icons svg file in the font file, it was easy to use.
You can use the 1661 icons!


##Benefits of using the Font

  • Import is easier to project(Since held together in one file)
  • Color easy to change
  • Resistant to change size
  • Management easier
  • Put out in the text as part of the AttributedString


####CocoaPods comming soon...

####Manually Add the GoogleIcon.swift, googleicon.ttf file to your project.
info.plist added Fonts provided by application key and
specify the googleicon.ttf to Item0 value.


Please look at the icon/googleicon.html.
googleicon.html has been icon code definition.
The constant of icon code is defined in GoogleIcon class, please use.


hogeLabel.font = UIFont(name: GoogleIconName, size: 30.0)
hogeLabel.textColor = UIColor.greenColor()
hogeLabel.text = GoogleIcon.e600

You can also be set font in the storyboard. sample

To input font characters directly in the Interface Builder, do the following after selecting googlefont:

  1. Add the "Unicode Hex Input" input source under (System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources).
  2. Hold down Option and type four hex digits to enter a Unicode character.
    For example, you can Option + e648 to enter the checkmark icon.


Requires iOS 7.0.


  • Clipboard copy from Html
  • Complete example


Forks, patches and other feedback are welcome.


Yuji Hato Blog


GoogleMaterialDesignIcons is available under the Attribution 4.0 International license.