Facebook-Album-Browser copied to clipboard
Change Language
This plugin is great, I just wanto to know how to change default language, because my website is in spanish and some album names are in english.
ok, so if I understand correctly, you'd like some of the album names which are in english to appear in spanish?? if that is the case then your best approach might be to change the names of the albums from english into spanish. That way they will appear in spanish on the site when the plugin pulls the albums. Its not the plugin's job to give you a way to change the language. If you have trouble just google how to change the name: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=changing+name+of+album+on+facebook
Once you change the album name into spanish then when the plugin pulls it onto your site it will be in spanish.
Sorry, I did not explain correctly, I meant the default albums: Timeline Photos, Cover Photos, etc. I tried with line 630 in the js file: js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3&appId=775908159169504"; changing en_US by es_LA, but it didn't work.
Anyway thanks for your time, and your plugin.
I'm not the author of the plugin, I'm just helping where I can.
I'm really not sure how to help you for this. Sorry man