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Scripts and configs.
I've now moved over to arch on both my systems, but I'm hoping to still maintain this, organize it a bit better and eventually get it to a point where the install scripts work perfectly. If you're into arch, or you just wanna see some of my more up to date configs for some of this software, check out my new repo archdots!
configuation files for:
- i3wm (w/ gaps & rounded corners)
- kitty
- rofi
- dunst
- polybar
- firefox
- neovim
- comptom
- ranger
- zathura
- spotify-tui + spotifyd
installation scripts:
- installing apt, python and rust packages
- installing ben friesen's fork of i3-gaps on a debian based system
- installing polybar on a debian based system
- installing fonts, cloning repos and doing some housekeeping
- moving config files and scripts into neccesary locations
functionality scripts:
- status, usage and monitoring
- wrapper for launching and kill spotifyd and spotify-tui simulataneously
- volume adjustment w/ notification
- backlight adjustment w/ notification
- simple lock screen
- toggle redshift & display redshift status in polybar
- display cpu frequency in polybar
- display power useage profile in polybar
- using rofi to change power usage profile
- using rofi to exit session
- using rofi to connect to bluetooth devices
- using rofi to connect to wireless networks (comming soon)
screenshots (slightly out of date)