
Results 20 issues of deimsdeutsch


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I am interested in your project and i would like to use. But i am not able to compile and run your project. Please tell me the steps to test...

I am using TensorRT 5 and trying to add the code for Int8 Quantization. I tried adding the following lines in baseEngine.cpp but it is giving me an error. builder->setInt8Mode(true);...

1>src\additionally.c(1639): error C2065: 'CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY': undeclared identifier

../src/thirdPart/munkres/adapters/boostmatrixadapter.h:24:49: fatal error: boost/serialization/array_wrapper.hpp: No such file or directory

Can you update code for multi line ?

``` std::string upload_folder="e:\\test1\\"; wd::watch(upload_folder, changed); ``` Exception: Failed to find file or directory at: e

Hi, Can you please tell me how to convert org.bytedeco.javacv.Frame to base64 ? I am sorry i am asking here this but i have been searching this for weeks. ```...

help wanted

Can you add this todo list ?