GodotGoogleSheet copied to clipboard
Godot plugin written in GDScript which downloads Google spreadsheet.
GodotGoogleSheet - Google Spreadsheet download plugin for GDScript.
A plugin written in GDScript which downloads google spreadsheet with Google Sheet api v4.
:label: Spreadsheet configuration
First, generate Google API key through this guide.
Second, locate to your spreadsheet id and sheet name.
Finally, defined an array which contains all spreadsheets and preload script.
const SPREADSHEETS: Array = [
["res://datas/test.json", # File to write and read.
"1-DGS8kSiBrPOxvyM1ISCxtdqWt-I7u1Vmcp-XksQ1M4", # SpreadSheetID.
"工作表1"], # Sheet name.
const GSheet = preload("res://addons/google_sheet/gsheet.gd")
const GVersion = preload("res://addons/google_sheet/gversion.gd")
const GConfig = preload("res://addons/google_sheet/config.gd")
:dart: Spreadsheet rule
Column name begin with
will not export to the final result. -
Make sure to add a left most column represents as an unique integer key.
:bookmark: Examples
Download sheets from google sheet api v4.
Download files and load into memory.
var host = GConfig.Host.new(API_KEY) var gsheet : GSheet = GSheet.new(SPREADSHEETS, host) var datas: Dictionary = {} func _ready(): gsheet.connect("allset", self, "_on_allset") gsheet.connect("complete", self, "_on_complete") gsheet.start([GSheet.JOB.DOWNLOAD]) func _on_complete(name: String, data: Dictionary): datas[name] = data func _on_allset(): pass # do some extra logic after completion
Result of downloaded content.
dictionary field
{ "1": { "key": 1, "column1": "1b", "column2": 11 }, "2": { "key": 2, "column1": "2b", "column2": 22 }, "3": { "key": 3, "column1": "3b", "column2": 33 }, "4": { "key": 4, "column1": "4b", "column2": 44 } }
Load sheets from file.
Assuming files are already exist within your local filesystem.
var host = GConfig.Host.new(API_KEY) var gsheet : GSheet = GSheet.new(SPREADSHEETS, host) var datas: Dictionary = {} func _ready(): gsheet.connect("complete", self, "_on_complete") gsheet.connect("allset", self, "_on_allset") gsheet.start([GSheet.JOB.LOAD]) func _on_complete(name: String, data: Dictionary): datas[name] = data func _on_allset(): pass # do some extra logic after completion
Run md5 checksum before downloads.
This feature use a dedicate service which can be download here gsx2json-go.
var host = GConfig.Gsx2JsonGoHost.new(API_KEY, "localhost", 8080) var gversion: GVersion = GVersion.new(SPREADSHEETS, host) var gsheet : GSheet = GSheet.new(gversion, host) var datas: Dictionary = {} var requestbytes: int = 0 var outdated: Array = [] func _ready(): gversion.connect("complete", self, "_on_complete") gversion.connect("request", self, "_on_request") gsheet.connect("complete", self, "_on_complete") gsheet.connect("allset", self, "_on_allset") gversion.start() func _on_complete(name: String, data: Dictionary): datas[name] = data func _on_request(array: Array, bytes: int): requestbytes = bytes outdated = array func _on_allset(): pass # do some extra logic after completion
Result of downloaded content.
dictionary field
{ "1": { "key": 1, "column1": "1b", "column2": 11 }, "2": { "key": 2, "column1": "2b", "column2": 22 }, "3": { "key": 3, "column1": "3b", "column2": 33 }, "4": { "key": 4, "column1": "4b", "column2": 44 } }
rows field (feature by gsx2json-go.)
[ { "key": 1, "column1": "1b", "column2": 11 }, { "key": 2, "column1": "2b", "column2": 22 }, { "key": 3, "column1": "3b", "column2": 33 }, { "key": 4, "column1": "4b", "column2": 44 } ]
columns field (feature by gsx2json-go.)
{ "key": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "column1": [ "1b", "2b", "3b", "4b" ], "column2": [ 11, 22, 33, 44 ] }
:coffee: Donation
If you like my project and also appericate for the effort. Don't hesitate to buy me a coffee😊.