I compiled `maxima` with thanks to you. After tinkering with `quicklisp` I was able to make `jupyter kernel` for `maxima` Requesting build for ARM32...
YOu need to install following three necessary for `pyarrow` or the install fails ``` pkg i libarrow-cpp libarrow-python libre2 ```
**Warning** IPHREEQC official libs are same as VITENS ...change $PREFIX You can compare sizes via (VItens are way bigger) `ls -sh libiphreeqc* ` `cd $PREFIX/local/lib` [default official] > 28M
I am using miniconda on PopOS x64. I have tried installing the package using conda but it is not there, however `phreeqpy` is available [] Are these x2 different?
Dear author thanks for this wonderful application. Is there any plan to for a CLI based version one that can integrate / calculate from jupyter notebooks
Country: Turkey Service Provider: Vodafone The USB port on this modem i believe is wrongly advertised. While within modem ftp, samba server setup is possible but USB is not mounted?...
### What happened? Cannot Boot the image. Its not related to NVME or SDCARD boot but missing `.dtb` file Process followed: [official]( ### Kernel version 5.10.0-1007-rockchip ### SBC model OrangePi...
Please consider supporting this board with GPU / VPU acceleration
``` ~ $ neofetch -o o- u0_a636@localhost +hydNNNNdyh+ ----------------- +mMMMMMMMMMMMMm+ OS: Android 13 aarch64 `dMMm:NMMMMMMN:mMMd` Host: samsung SM-T870 hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh Kernel: 4.19.113-27114284 .. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .. Uptime: 36 days, 3 hours, 12...
I cannot execute `mobox` Start Wine nothing happens There was no error during installation process ``` ~ $ neofetch -o o- u0_a636@localhost +hydNNNNdyh+ ----------------- +mMMMMMMMMMMMMm+ OS: Android 13 aarch64 `dMMm:NMMMMMMN:mMMd`...