Samuel Défago
Samuel Défago
We discovered another `AVPlayer` related performance issue. When using interactive view controller transitions, it sometimes happen that sometimes a view controller dismissed with a custom animation cannot be dismissed anymore....
If we comment out `-setPlayer:` and call `-play` on the player when assigned to the `player` property, the issues does not arise anymore. There is probably something going on in...
It seems the more `AVPlayer` work we remove during interactive transitions, the better it works (e.g. it works a lot better if only preparing for playback without calling `-play` afterwards)....
Apparently, the problem with interactive transitions is due to the fact that a gesture recognizer can be triggered right at the end of an animation, after having been detected while...
Wrapping the implementation of such a gesture recognizer in a `dispatch_async` block executed on the main thread is very interesting and might help in understanding why view controller transitions can...
It seems that view controller animations trigger `-viewDidAppear:` just before finishing. At this point, the gesture recognizer will detect touches (even if the recognizer has been added in `-viewDidAppear:`!). If...
The `-viewDidAppear:` method is called when `-completeTransition` is called on the context. Further investigation is needed, but I think that the call to `-viewDidAppear:` is probably not the last thing...
I discovered that heavily interacting with the view (even if displayed once normally) will trigger the gesture recognizer so fast that `-dismissViewController` gets called too fast several times in a...
The modal interactive transition issue was related to its implementation, leading to race conditions on _heavy_ view controllers bearing an `AVPlayer`. These issues have been fixed in commit 6cb5c89eae106149724b1f90ed73abd304413271. Controller...
We discovered a semaphore issue with `AVAsset` track property access while preparing to play, freezing the app for some time. This will be fixed in version 2.0.4.