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A data-provider that makes every table searchable via rethinkdb
Adds realtime search functionality to deepstream when used in conjunction with RethinkDb.
Say you've got a number of records like:
ds.record.getRecord( 'book/i95ny80q-2bph9txxqxg' ).set({
'title': 'Harry Potter and the goblet of fire',
'price': 9.99
and use's RethinkDb storage connector with:
{ splitChar: '/' }
you can now search for Harry Potter books that cost less than 15.30 like this:
var queryString = JSON.stringify({
table: 'book',
query: [
[ 'title', 'match', '^Harry Potter.*' ],
[ 'price', 'lt', 15.30 ],
[ 'author.lastname', 'eq', 'Rowling' ] //nested paths work too
ds.record.getList( 'search?' + queryString );
and the best thing is: it's in realtime. Whenever a record that matches the search criteria is added or removed, the list will be updated accordingly.
Install the provider via npm and configure it to connect to both deepstream and RethinkDb
var SearchProvider = require( './src/provider' );
var searchProvider = new SearchProvider({
//optional, defaults to 'search'
listName: 'search',
* Only use 0 or 1 for production!
* 0 = logging off
* 1 = only log connection events & errors
* 2 = also log subscriptions and discards
* 3 = log outgoing messages
logLevel: 3,
// deepstream
deepstreamUrl: 'localhost:6021',
deepstreamCredentials: { username: 'rethinkdb-search-provider' },
// Instead of creating a new connection to deepstream, you can also
// reuse an existing one by substituting the above with
deepstreamClient: myDeepstreamClient,
// rethinkdb
rethinkdbConnectionParams: {
host: '',
port: 28015,
db: 'deepstream'
//optional primary key, defaults to ds_id
primaryKey: 'itemId',
// Instead of creating a new connection to RethinkDb, you can also
// reuse an existing one by substituting the above with
rethinkDbConnection: myRethinkDbConnection
// and start it
// it can also be stopped by calling
On the client you can now request dynamically populated lists of search results
var queryString = JSON.stringify({
table: 'book',
query: [
[ 'title', 'match', '^Harry Potter.*' ],
[ 'price', 'lt', 15.30 ]
ds.record.getList( 'search?' + queryString );
query can contain one or more conditions. Each condition is an array of [ field, operator, value ]. Supported operators are:
- "eq" (equal)
- "gt" (greater than)
- "lt" (lesser than)
- "ne" (not equal)
- "match" (RegEx match)
Please note that the operators are type-sensitive, so comparing 20
with "20"
won't yield results
Don't forget to delete your search from deepstream once you don't need it anymore, e.g.
bookSearchResults = ds.record.getList( 'search?' + queryString );
// use it