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Note: theoretical framework of COHP may have strong basis set dependence
COHP is actually a Mulliken population analysis-like way decomposing DOS: $E^{\mathrm{band}}=\sum_{n\mathbf{k}}{w\left( \mathbf{k}\right)f_{n\mathbf{k}}\epsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}}=\sum_{\mathbf{k}}{w\left( \mathbf{k}\right)}\int_{-\infty}^{\epsilon_F}{\mathrm{d}\epsilon\sum_n{f_{n\mathbf{k}}\epsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}\delta \left( \epsilon _{n\mathbf{k}}-\epsilon \right)}}$
rewritten the eigenenergy as:
$\epsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}=\sum_{Ii,Jj}{c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left(\mathbf{k} \right)H_{Ii,Ji}\left(\mathbf{k}\right) c_{Jj,n}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)}$
Band energy is then in the following form:
$E^{\mathrm{band}}=\sum_{n\mathbf{k}}{w\left( \mathbf{k} \right) f_{n\mathbf{k}}\sum_{Ii,Jj}{c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right)}}$
Rearrange, then COHP term will emerge:
$\sum_{IJ}{\left( \sum_{n\mathbf{k}}{w\left( \mathbf{k} \right) f_{n\mathbf{k}}\sum_{ij}{c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right)}} \right)}$
Define COHP between atom I and atom J is:
$COHP_{IJ}\left( \epsilon \right) =\sum_{ij}{COHP_{ij}\left( \epsilon \right)}$
indices i and j are those of orbitals belong to I and J, respectively,
$COHP_{ij}\left( \epsilon \right) =\sum_{n\mathbf{k}}{w\left( \mathbf{k} \right) f_{n\mathbf{k}}\delta \left( \epsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}-\epsilon \right) c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right)}$
. I have quickly implement one version of COHP directly based on ABACUS lcao:
To calculate $\Re \left[ c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) \right] $
def cal_COHPmatskIJ_e_ij(Hk, Sk, Ck, atomI_orbs, atomJ_orbs, mode="COHP"):
"""Calculate the energy-resolved COHP or COOP matrix for all bands, every selected orbital pair of the atom I and J, and a k-point.
Hk: Hamiltonian matrix for a k-point, H(k),
Sk: Overlap matrix for a k-point, S(k),
Ck: Wavefunction set of one k-point, arranged as C(k)[i, n], where i is the local index and n is the band index.
atomI_orbs: indices of the orbitals of the atom I,
atomJ_orbs: indices of the orbitals of the atom J.
mode: "COHP" or "COOP".
np.ndarray: energy-resolved COHP or COOP matrix for a k-point.
nrows, ncols = Hk.shape
nlocal, nbands = Ck.shape
assert nrows == ncols
assert nrows == nlocal
# allocate memory for value
value = [np.zeros((len(atomI_orbs), len(atomJ_orbs)), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(nbands)]
for ib in range(nbands):
for i_inval, i_inorb in enumerate(atomI_orbs):
for j_inval, j_inorb in enumerate(atomJ_orbs):
power = Sk[i_inorb, j_inorb] if mode == "COOP" else Hk[i_inorb, j_inorb]
value[ib][i_inval, j_inval] = (Ck[i_inorb, ib].conj()*power*Ck[j_inorb, ib]).real
return value
Then calculate $\sum_{ij}{\Re \left[ c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) \right]}$:
def cal_COHPvalskIJ_e(Hk, Sk, Ek, Ck, atomI_orbs, atomJ_orbs, mode="COHP"):
"""Compute the sum_{ij} over c*{Ii,n}(k)H{IiJj}(k)c{Jj,n}(k),
where I, J are atom indexes and i, j are orbitals indexes.
n is the band index and this quantity corresponds to an eigenenergy.
Hk (np.ndarray): Hamiltonian matrix for a k-point.
Ck (np.ndarray): Wavefunction set of one k-point.
atomI_orbs (list): indices of the orbitals of the atom I.
atomJ_orbs (list): indices of the orbitals of the atom J.
tuple: eigenenergies and the sum_{ij} on c*{Ii,n}(k)H{IiJj}(k)c{Jj,n}(k) for each band.
nlocal, nband = Ck.shape
matskIJ_ij_e = cal_COHPmatskIJ_e_ij(Hk, Sk, Ck, atomI_orbs, atomJ_orbs, mode=mode)
# dimension assertation
assert len(Ek) == nband
assert len(matskIJ_ij_e) == nband
for ib in range(nband):
assert matskIJ_ij_e[ib].shape == (len(atomI_orbs), len(atomJ_orbs))
# compute the sum_{ij} over c*{Ii,n}(k)H{IiJj}(k)c{Jj,n}(k), i.e., for atom-pair IJ
valskIJ_e = [np.sum(matskIJ_ij_e[i]) for i in range(nband)]
return Ek, valskIJ_e
Then $w\left( \mathbf{k} \right) \sum_{ij}{\Re \left[ c_{Ii,n}^{*}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) H_{Ii,Ji}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) c_{Jj,n}\left( \mathbf{k} \right) \right]}$, which means summation over kpoints should consider their weights due to symmetry.
def cal_COHPvalsIJ_e(Hks, Sks, Eks, Cks, wk = None,
atomI_orbs = None, atomJ_orbs = None,
mode: str = "COHP"):
nks = len(Hks)
nbands = len(Eks[0])
wk = [1/nks for i in range(nks)] if wk is None else wk
Evals = []
COHPvalsIJ_e = []
for ik in range(nks):
Evalsk, COHPvalskIJ_e = cal_COHPvalskIJ_e(Hk=Hks[ik], Sk=Sks[ik], Ek=Eks[ik], Ck=Cks[ik],
atomI_orbs=atomI_orbs, atomJ_orbs=atomJ_orbs, mode=mode)
# dimension assertation
assert len(Evalsk) == nbands
assert len(COHPvalskIJ_e) == nbands
# add k-point weight
COHPvalskIJ_e = [wk[ik]*COHPvalskIJ_e[i] for i in range(nbands)]
# add to the global list
Evals += Evalsk.tolist()
COHPvalsIJ_e += COHPvalskIJ_e
# dimension assertation
assert len(Evals) == nks*nbands
assert len(COHPvalsIJ_e) == nks*nbands
# sort COHPvalsIJ_e according to the Evals
Evals, COHPvalsIJ_e = zip(*sorted(zip(Evals, COHPvalsIJ_e)))
# energy unit conversion
Evals = np.array([rao.unit_conversion(e, "Ry", "eV") for e in Evals])
return dos_integral(Evals, COHPvalsIJ_e)
Then after zero padding, the COHP between atomI
and atomJ
is obtained.
However, this result is totally different with what LOBSTER calculated. LOBSTER uses STO or GTO->STO, and the COHP looks similar with Mulliken population analysis, therefore it is not basis set independent. I doubt about the whether COHP is directly useful for ABACUS LCAO with numerical orbitals.
Task list for Issue attackers (only for developers)
- [ ] Reproduce the performance issue on a similar system or environment.
- [ ] Identify the specific section of the code causing the performance issue.
- [ ] Investigate the issue and determine the root cause.
- [ ] Research best practices and potential solutions for the identified performance issue.
- [ ] Implement the chosen solution to address the performance issue.
- [ ] Test the implemented solution to ensure it improves performance without introducing new issues.
- [ ] Optimize the solution if necessary, considering trade-offs between performance and other factors (e.g., code complexity, readability, maintainability).
- [ ] Review and incorporate any relevant feedback from users or developers.
- [ ] Merge the improved solution into the main codebase and notify the issue reporter.
Could you explain a little about your next plan?
Could you explain a little about your next plan?
@WHUweiqingzhou I am afraid that simply declaring the difference between COHP result of ABACUS numerical atomic orbitals and LMTO or sth. is because of basis-dependence of Mulliken would not be convincing to all users. Therefore a LCAO_IN_PW run produces wavefunction in pw representation, which is also compatible with LOBSTER, will be a promising choice.
I will try to connect a hdf5 lib to print out pw wavefunction.