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Corrupted buffer on SpeakLiveClient and ListenLiveClient

Open DecathectZero opened this issue 5 months ago • 4 comments

This doesn't work on my end:

when we get a websocket message, it will call the handleMessage function.

When itself is a Buffer, buffer.buffer, which is a ArrayBufferLike - however this looses some crucial metadata in the buffer itself: BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, byteLength, byteOffset.

We shouldn't be using ArrayBuffer but just Buffer instead in the event.

Perhaps it works for MP3 or some other files, but it definitely fails with linear16.

To reproduce:

const fs = require("fs");
const { createClient, LiveTTSEvents } = require("../../dist/main/index");

const live = async () => {
  const text = "Hello, how can I help you today?";

  const deepgram = createClient(process.env.DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);

  const dgConnection ={
      encoding: 'linear16',
      bit_rate: 16000

  let audioBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);

  dgConnection.on(LiveTTSEvents.Open, () => {
    // Send text data for TTS synthesis

    // Send Flush message to the server after sending the text

    dgConnection.on(LiveTTSEvents.Audio, (data) => {
      console.log("Deepgram audio data received");
      // this is no longer the same as the original buffer
      const buffer = Buffer.from(data);
      audioBuffer = Buffer.concat([audioBuffer, buffer]);

    dgConnection.on(LiveTTSEvents.Flushed, () => {
      console.log("Deepgram Flushed");
      // Write the buffered audio data to a file when the flush event is received

  function createWavHeader(bufferLength, sampleRate, numChannels, bitsPerSample, audioFormat = 1) {
      const header = Buffer.alloc(44);
      const byteRate = (sampleRate * numChannels * bitsPerSample) / 8;
      const blockAlign = (numChannels * bitsPerSample) / 8;
      // RIFF chunk descriptor
      header.write('RIFF', 0);                          // ChunkID: "RIFF"
      header.writeUInt32LE(36 + bufferLength, 4);       // ChunkSize: 36 + SubChunk2Size
      header.write('WAVE', 8);                          // Format: "WAVE"
      // fmt subchunk
      header.write('fmt ', 12);                         // Subchunk1ID: "fmt "
      header.writeUInt32LE(16, 16);                     // Subchunk1Size: 16 for PCM
      header.writeUInt16LE(audioFormat, 20);            // AudioFormat: 1 for PCM (linear16)
      header.writeUInt16LE(numChannels, 22);            // NumChannels
      header.writeUInt32LE(sampleRate, 24);             // SampleRate
      header.writeUInt32LE(byteRate, 28);               // ByteRate
      header.writeUInt16LE(blockAlign, 32);             // BlockAlign
      header.writeUInt16LE(bitsPerSample, 34);          // BitsPerSample (16 for linear16)
      // data subchunk
      header.write('data', 36);                         // Subchunk2ID: "data"
      header.writeUInt32LE(bufferLength, 40);           // Subchunk2Size
      return header;

  const writeFile = () => {
    if (audioBuffer.length > 0) {
      // Example usage:
      const sampleRate = 8000;
      const numChannels = 1;        // Mono
      const bitsPerSample = 16;     // 16 bits for linear16 encoding
      const audioFormat = 1;        // PCM format
      const wavHeader = createWavHeader(audioBuffer.length, sampleRate, numChannels, bitsPerSample, audioFormat);
      const wavBuffer = Buffer.concat([wavHeader, audioBuffer]);

      fs.writeFile("output.wav", audioBuffer, (err) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error("Error writing audio file:", err);
        } else {
          console.log("Audio file saved as output.mp3");


This is just to generate the file, nothing wrong with createWavHeader - because I've also tried this with vonage's streaming API: and with Twilio's

If I don't use the SDK and use my own custom WS client, it works fine. Basically instead of:

    } else if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
    } else if (Buffer.isBuffer( {

it should be:

    } else if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
    } else if (Buffer.isBuffer( {

DecathectZero avatar Sep 21 '24 21:09 DecathectZero