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Results 37 faceswap issues
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I noticed that training would look more decent (at least in preview) if it is trained with targeted pairs of data with similar face states (e.g. eyes opened/closed, mouth opened/closed,...

code to integrate

This PR adds the option to set a max scale parameter in conversion. Max scale is defined at the maximum ratio of the longest edge of any face's original_roi in...

RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide, scale = 1.0 / src_demean.var(axis=0).sum() * (S @ d)

Could you add this, and the full function like the deepfacelab?

Many developers, especially MAC users, don't have computers with NVIDIA or AMD GPU, thus we have to use cloud servers with GPU. But we (specifically people like me) are struggling...

**Describe the bug** FaceSwap GUI generates CLI commands that cannot utilize the GPU due to Tensorflow dependency errors. The Conda env has to be "activated" for all dependencies to load...

*Note: For general usage questions and help, please use either our [FaceSwap Forum](https://faceswap.dev/forum) or [FaceSwap Discord server](https://discord.gg/FC54sYg). General usage questions are liable to be closed without response.* **Crash reports MUST...

**Describe the bug** Dependency issues with `matplotlib`, `pillow`, `kiwisolver`, `numexpr`, `scipy` **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Follow INSTALL.md for MacOS (Apple Sillicon) (with miniconda3 instead of miniforge3)...