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Node JS Library for Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) Encryption 💳🔑🛡


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Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) Encryption with NodeJS

This the NodeJS implementation of DUKPT based on the vanilla javascript implementation of IDTech DUKPT encryption/decryption. This module provides Dukpt encryption using either 3DES or AES schemes.

Please note that AES encryption/decryption is currently only supported with NodeJS versions 6.x.x and above due to few limitations which will be addressed soon in a next release.

Don't hesitate to report any bugs in the Github Repository!. Many thanks to @jamiesoncj for providing resources.


  • Node v12.0.0 or above


npm install dukpt --save


Initialize DUKPT by providing BDK and KSN:

const Dukpt = require('dukpt');

const encryptionBDK = '0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210';
const ksn = 'FFFF9876543210E00008';
const keyMode = 'datakey'; // optional: defaults to 'datakey'
const plainTextCardData = '%B5452310551227189^DOE/JOHN      ^08043210000000725000000?';

const dukpt = new Dukpt(encryptionBDK, ksn);

After initializing, you can use dukptEncrypt and dukptDecrypt methods to encrypt/decrypt data using DUKPT.

Encrypting ascii data

Using 3DES,

const options = {
	inputEncoding: 'ascii', 
	outputEncoding: 'hex',
	encryptionMode: '3DES'
const encryptedCardData3Des = dukpt.dukptEncrypt(plainTextCardData, options);

or with AES,

const options = {
	inputEncoding: 'ascii', 
	outputEncoding: 'hex',
	encryptionMode: 'AES'
const encryptedCardDataAes = dukpt.dukptEncrypt(plainTextCardData, options);

Encrypting hex data

Using 3DES,

const options = {
	inputEncoding: 'hex',
	outputEncoding: 'hex',
	encryptionMode: '3DES'
const encryptedCardData3Des = dukpt.dukptEncrypt(plainTextCardData, options);

or using AES,

const options = {
	inputEncoding: 'hex',
	outputEncoding: 'hex',
	encryptionMode: 'AES'
const encryptedCardDataAes = dukpt.dukptEncrypt(plainTextCardData, options);

Decrypting data with ascii output encoding

const options = {
	outputEncoding: 'ascii',
	decryptionMode: '3DES',
	trimOutput: true

const decryptedCardData = dukpt.dukptDecrypt(encryptedCardData, options);

Decrypting data with hex output encoding

const options = {
	outputEncoding: 'hex',
	decryptionMode: '3DES',
	trimOutput: true

const decryptedCardData = dukpt.dukptDecrypt(encryptedCardData, options);


constructor Dukpt(bdk, ksn, [keyMode])


Base derivation key (BDK) for initialization


Key serial number (KSN) for initialization

See here for more information on BDK and KSN


default: 'datakey'

Key mode for deriving session key from initial pin encryption key (IPEK). Possible values are:

  • datakey (default)
  • pinkey
  • mackey

Dukpt.prototype.dukptEncrypt(plainTextCardData, options) and Dukpt.prototype.dukptDecrypt(encryptedCardData, options)


You can use options object to provide additional options for the DUKPT encryption/decryption. This object is optional and, if you don't provide it, encryption/decryption will use the default values shipped with it.

Following listed are the available options.

Option Possible Values Default Value Description
outputEncoding ascii, hex For encryption hex, for decryption ascii Specify output encoding of encryption/decryption
inputEncoding ascii, hex For encryption ascii, for decryption hex Specify encoding of the input data for encryption/decryption
trimOutput (for decryption only) true, false false Specify whether to strip out null characters from the decrypted output
encryptionMode (for encryption only) 3DES/AES 3DES/AES Specify encryption scheme for dukpt
decryptionMode (for decryption only) 3DES/AES 3DES/AES Specify decryption scheme for dukpt


Tests can be run using gulp as follows:

npm run test


  • [x] Support for DUKPT Encryption/Decryption with 3DES
  • [x] Support for DUKPT Encryption/Decryption with AES