react-social-login icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-social-login copied to clipboard

"Unknown prop `triggerLogout` on <button> tag" after updating from 3.2.1 to 3.4.0

Open andrijan opened this issue 7 years ago • 24 comments


class Linkedin extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      authenticated: false

  handleLogin = user => {
    this.setState({ authenticated: true });
    window.IN.pictureUrl = user.profile.profilePicURL;
    window.IN.profileUrl = user.profile.publicProfileURL;

  handleLogout = user => {
    this.setState({ authenticated: false });
    window.IN.pictureUrl = '';
    window.IN.profileUrl = '';

  handleError(err) {

  render() {
    return (
        <FormEntryWrapper center>
          <FormLabel>{this.props.required && '*'} Linkedin</FormLabel>

            <LinkedinContainer filled={this.state.authenticated}>
                src={this.state.authenticated ? liNeg : liPos}
                alt="linkedin logo"
              {this.state.authenticated ? (
                <div>Linkedin connected</div>
              ) : (
                  Connect with <strong>Linkedin</strong>



andrijan avatar Oct 23 '17 11:10 andrijan

Also, don't know if it's related, but I also don't get the popup after the update.

I click once and nothing happens, I click again and the error logged out (by handleError(err) is image

andrijan avatar Oct 23 '17 11:10 andrijan

Same thing here.

axhamre avatar Nov 02 '17 20:11 axhamre

@andrijan Yeah this happens because you didn’t implement triggerLogout, I will make a check for onLogoutSuccess or onLogoutFailure before forwarding this prop.

About the second bug, I don’t understand, which provider is concerned and how can I reproduce it?

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 02 '17 20:11 nicolas-goudry

Thanks for the fast reaction 🙏

Regarding the first issue, I just copied the sample code from the readme - could you please give an example how triggerLogout should be implemented?

axhamre avatar Nov 02 '17 20:11 axhamre

Oh yeah, this sample didn’t took account of triggerLogout being forwarded so that’s it... Sorry. Will be fixed soon, as well as :+1:

Regarding logout process implementation, you will need a container handling login state. You should look at new demo files, specifically demo/components/demo.js.

As I implemented it, we have a container handling login state and forwarding a logout function to a UserCard component which have the logout button. This function will trigger the triggerLogout prop from a ref to SocialButton component.

Also, ref handling here is tricky because I handle multiple providers in one login state manager but it could be easier/simpler to make a container per provider.

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 02 '17 21:11 nicolas-goudry

Unfortunately I'm still too much of a beginner to understand all these ins and outs. Especially with HOC.

Thanks a lot for your explanation, but I'll wait patiently until the readme perhaps have a simpler example 😅

axhamre avatar Nov 02 '17 21:11 axhamre

About the second bug, I don’t understand, which provider is concerned and how can I reproduce it?

It's LinkedIn, I'll find the code to reproduce it.

andrijan avatar Nov 02 '17 22:11 andrijan

Facebook doesnt work for me after the upgrade. getting that: "Fetching user..."

Amurmurmur avatar Nov 02 '17 23:11 Amurmurmur

Facebook doesnt work for me after the upgrade. getting that: "Fetching user..."

Do you have to click twice to get the Fetching user... ?

It seems like it's triggering something after the first click, then when you click again, you get the error, because it's still processing the first click.

andrijan avatar Nov 02 '17 23:11 andrijan

@andrijan Exactly! I have to click it twice.

Amurmurmur avatar Nov 02 '17 23:11 Amurmurmur

@andrijan @Amurmurmur When you call triggerLogin, HOC component will have it’s internal state prop isFetching set to true before calling SDK’s login function. Therefore if you call once again triggerLogin, a check to isFetching not being true will fail and throw this error Fetching user....

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 03 '17 08:11 nicolas-goudry

I cloned the repo and used the SocialLogin wrapper from that code, instead of release 3.4.0 and that seems to work, I at least get the popup.

andrijan avatar Nov 03 '17 10:11 andrijan

So what's the deal?

Can you show us both code samples please? See what's causing this, thx

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 03 '17 10:11 nicolas-goudry

I believe I've figured it out, I was using React 15.6.1, but it seems it needs 16.0.0 at least now.

andrijan avatar Nov 03 '17 14:11 andrijan

Huh, weird. I'll have to dig into this.

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 03 '17 14:11 nicolas-goudry

@andrijan Yep thats right. Just upgraded to react 16 and it works now, dialog pops up. Thank you 👍

Amurmurmur avatar Nov 03 '17 14:11 Amurmurmur

@andrijan @Amurmurmur Just tried to run the demo in a separate context with its own package.json.

I ran the following tests:

I really can’t say what is the matter here… Could you give it another try or setup a repo reproducing the error please?

nicolas-goudry avatar Nov 08 '17 22:11 nicolas-goudry

@nicolas-goudry Honestly, I tried with the older version of React, the window doesn't pop up with the exact same code. :/ Maybe try to reset cache ?

Amurmurmur avatar Nov 09 '17 13:11 Amurmurmur

Hi guys i have the following configuration and i cannot get it working. [email protected] with [email protected] and [email protected]


  • Click on the button and it opens the pop-up
  • Click on the x and close the pop-up
  • Buy now on any click on the button will log an error "Fetching user...."

Any idea about this guys?

Traibuls avatar Feb 05 '18 22:02 Traibuls

I am running into the same issue. Steps:

  • Click on the button and it opens the pop-up
  • Clock on the x and close the pop-up
  • Clicking on button results in "Fetching user"

Suggestions on work around?

rolme avatar Mar 30 '18 14:03 rolme

I am running into the above issue as well, from what i understand is after any succesful or unsucesful login, if you click the button again this "Fetching user" error message is displayed .

  handleSocialLogin = user => {

  handleSocialLoginFailure = err => {

After any one of these function executes, clicking the button again results in "Fetching User"

Ashar2shahid avatar Apr 01 '19 11:04 Ashar2shahid

Hi, I am getting error Fetching User after second click on button (Google login) I am using "react": "^15.6.1", "react-dom": "^15.6.1", "react-social-login": "^3.2.1", I've simply installed the function and created Social button component

import React from 'react'
import SocialLogin from 'react-social-login'
const Button = ({ children, triggerLogin, ...props }) => (
  <button onClick={triggerLogin} {...props}>
    { children }
export default SocialLogin(Button)

    handleSocialLogins = (user) => {
    handleSocialLoginFailures = (err) => {
   Login with Google

protolabz avatar Apr 26 '19 11:04 protolabz

Getting the same Fetching User issue.

flolege avatar Aug 02 '19 11:08 flolege

I solved the problem for me. Here is what I did: Since I am still developing my app locally, I am using localhost as domain. So I just went to the facebook developer site and added "localhost" to the "App Domains" in Settings-Basics: image Now instead getting the nasty "Fetching User" error, I get an "Authentication failed" error and the Login Button is responsive again!

I think "Fetching User" is an intermediate state, something unfinished. It is connected to the error message you get in the console: "Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'x-frame-options' to 'deny'." I guess facebook just sends this response with x-frame-options set to deny because they do not know your domain. If you open this url in a new tab, you see it is a message from facebook that the authentication failed. react-social-buttons does not manage this scenario, I guess this can be improved?

EDIT: And don't make your social button a functional component!! I used the given example on this page when I first run into the "Fetching user" issue. I tried many things, also making the function a class. After solving the issue, I set it back to a function but it did not work 100%: I got the "better" exception but the button was not clickable twice, getting again the "Fetching user" error. I changed it back to a class and voila it is working now. Here is my code:

` import React from "react"; import SocialLogin from "react-social-login"; import { FacebookLoginButton } from "react-social-login-buttons";

class Button extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); }

login = () => {
this.props.triggerLogin(); }

render() {
	return (		
			<FacebookLoginButton onClick={this.login} {...this.props}>


export default SocialLogin(Button); `

EDIT2: "Fetching user" Still happens when user clicks on other buttons in the facebook login window, e.g. Forgot account? or Create New Account

flolege avatar Aug 04 '19 11:08 flolege