Data-Structures-In-Java copied to clipboard
Data Structures implemented in Java
This repository contains various data structures and provide insights about them. Feel free to create an issue if you see one in any of the implementations.
Data Structures :
These is just a basic set, we have lot of other data structures as well,
- Index Based
- Arrays
- Non Index Based
- List
- Queue
- Stack
- Index Based
Non Linear
- Hash Tables
- Set
- Priority Queue
- Tree
- Balanced
- Red Black Tree
- AVL Tree
- Splay Tree
- Non Balanced
- Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- B Tree
- Trie
- Balanced
[X] Choosing the right data structure
Below topics/problems are covered as of now.
1. Strings
- [X] String Introduction
- [X] StringBuilder Implementation
2. Arrays
- [X] Arrays Introduction
- [X] Basic operations on Arrays
- [X] Associative Array
- [X] Sparse Array
- [X] Pair
- [X] Tuple
- [X] ArrayList Implementation
3. LinkedList
- [X] Linked List Introduction
- [X] Singly LinkedList Implementation
- [X] Doubly LinkedList Implementation
- [X] Circular LinkedList Implementation
4. Stack
- [X] Stack Introduction
- [X] Simple stack from list
- [X] Array based Implementation
- [X] LinkedList based Implementation
- [X] Queue based Implementation
5. Queue
- [X] Queue Introduction
- [X] Array based Implementation
- [X] LinkedList based Implementation
- [X] Stack based Implementation
6. Vector
- [X] Vector Introduction
- [X] Vector Implementation
7. Matrix
- [ ] Matrix Introduction
- [ ] Sparse Matrix
8. Trees
- [X] Introduction
- [X] Binary Tree
- [X] Binary Search Tree
- [X] AVL Tree
- [ ] Splay Tree
- [ ] B Tree
- [ ] B+ Tree
- [ ] Segment Tree
- [ ] Red Black Tree
- [ ] K Dimensional Tree
- [ ] Suffix Tree
- [ ] A B Tree
9. Graphs
- [X] Introduction
- [ ] How graphs are represented in memory
- [X] Graph Implementation
- [ ] MultiGraph Implementation
- [X] BFS for Graphs
- [X] DFS for Graphs
10. Heap
- [ ] Introduction
- [ ] Binary Heap
- [ ] Min Heap
- [ ] Max Heap
- [ ] Binomial Heap
- [ ] Fibonacci Heap
- [ ] Weak Heap
11. Hashing
- [X] Introduction
- [X] Iterator v/s Enumeration
- [X] HashTable v/s HashMap
- [X] HashCode and Equals Contract
- [ ] Bloom Filter
- [ ] Lookup Table
- [ ] Collision Handling
- [ ] Separate Chaining
- [ ] Linear Probing
- [ ] Double Hashing
- [X] HashMap Implementation
- [X] ConcurrentHashMap Introduction
- [X] ConcurrentHashMap Implementation
- [X] ConcurrentModification Exception
- [X] WeakHashMap Implementation
- [X] HashTable Implementation
- [ ] Distributed HashTable
- [ ] HashSet Implementation
- [ ] HashList Implementation
- [ ] Dictionary Implementation
- [ ] MultiMap
12. Set
- [X] Introduction
- [X] Set Implementation
- [ ] MultiSet
13. Priority Queue
- [ ] Introduction
- [ ] Array based Implementation
- [ ] Stack based Implementation
- [X] Dequeue Implementation
- [ ] Skip List
14. Trie
- [X] Introduction
- [X] Trie Implementation
15. Treap
- [ ] Introduction
- [ ] Treap Implementation
16. Cache
- [X] Introduction
- [X] LRU Cache
- [X] MRU Cache
17. Miscellaneous
- [ ] Bag
- [X] Linked List Based
- [ ] Binary Search Tree Based
18. Common Utils
- [X] StringUtils
- [X] NumberUtils
- [X] ArrayUtils
- [X] BooleanUtils
- [X] CollectionUtils
- [X] MapUtils
19. Iterators
- [X] Standard Iterator
- [ ] Deep Iterator
- [ ] Filtering Iterator
- [X] Hopping Iterator
- [ ] InOrder Iterator
- [X] LevelOrder Iterator
- [X] MaxIterator Iterator
- [ ] MultiIterator Iterator
- [ ] Peek Iterator
- [ ] PreOrder Iterator
- [ ] Rotating Iterator