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[Bug]: - Tabular plot does not support numpy 1.26.3
Attributions Methods
Current Behavior
When calling the tabular plot function for attributions with numpy version 1.2.6, an error is raised while it it not the case for earlier versions of numpy.
Expected Behavior
The library should support the latest versions of numpy.
- numpy 1.26.3
Relevant log output
At `xplique.plots.tabular.py` line 49: `colorbar = plt.colorbar(mappa, ticks=[0, 1])`.
The following error is raised:
`ValueError: Unable to determine Axes to steal space for Colorbar. Either provide the *cax* argument to use the Axes for the Colorbar, provide the *ax* argument to steal space from it or add *mappable* to an Axes`.
To Reproduce
Launch the plot function with latest version of numpy.