Alastair D'Silva
Alastair D'Silva
I'm just trying to get my head around the mappings :) It looks like the SUNXI mapping is a good choice for me, since it uses the PA12 notation
@mikalstill & I are looking at this ATM as we're adding support for the Orange Pi Prime to Home Assistant, and the other Opi library used /dev/mem (which is a...
Just so everything is in 1 place (thanks @hauke @nonyhaha) : ``` opkg update opkg install mtd kmod-mtd-rw insmod mtd-rw i_want_a_brick=1 mtd unlock /dev/mtd2 dd if=/dev/mtd2ro bs=131072 skip=0 count=8 of=/tmp/factory-fixed...
You need to adjust the "SVG Scale" setting (under Import/Export). See
What laser cutting software are you using? Both RDWorks & Lightburn automatically recognise internal cuts & do them first.
It's probably worth pinging Glowforge to add this feature then, it's obvious and essential, and you shouldn't have to rely on third party applications to pre-process the data.
This is true. I do find that I get colours out when exporting as SVG (rather than DXF), although sometimes it is lost.
@marmilicious @napter Have you raised this with Glowforge? It's a feature common in many other laser cutting packages (even Chinese ones), and with a few people asking, they might make...
@napter Most do, which is why the software should preserve colours. Any feature which deliberately alters the colours should be off by default. Identification & sequencing of inner cuts is...