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The Nivio Game
In order to test nivio's features and to improve the user experience a game could be built on top of nivio.
Basic idea
A team based strategy game around the possession of a world (landscape). The world consists of islands (groups) and buildings (items). Each item has one purpose, like in base building games (e.g. either generating resources or providing protection or "attacking"). A player can only create and maintain one type of buildings, i.e. she is responsible for harvesting, but cannot defend herself. This way she is forced to collaborate with other players.
Technical Basis / Requirements
- landscape, groups and items are already present, item types too
- KPIs could be used to determine revenue, defensive power etc.
- ability to add items via GUI is missing (#25)
- game logic tbd (probably via #14 )
- user auth and node ownership (#141)
- maybe use lifecycle to implement limited node lifetime
- game like map (#155)
Ich habe zuletzt ein ganz cooles Strategiespiel auf dem Handy gespielt. Heißt Achikaps und man hat verschiedene Gebäude mit verschiedenen Funktionen und Einheiten, die Ressourcen transportieren. Sowas mit dem Stil von Nivio zum Beispiel?