Hans Dedecker
Hans Dedecker
The current problem with OpenVPN is the lack of proper integration in the OpenWrt network ecosystem; if OpenVPN would be integrated as a proto handler in netifd the IPv6 prefix...
@ch0mik pxe server support is not supported by the odhcpd DHCPv4 server
@leoss odhcpd is now maintained in the Lede project (https://git.lede-project.org/project/odhcpd.git). Can you create a request in the Lede ticket system (https://bugs.lede-project.org/) for this feature ?
@murix Log an issue in flyspray (https://bugs.lede-project.org/) if this is not working on Lede snapshot. As a prerequisite to investigate the issue following info is required (take https://bugs.lede-project.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=595 as example):...
A RA mode only, in the sense of only listening to RAs and not sending DHCPv6 messages, has never been supported. Internally there's a mechanism (controllable via the -F and...