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[cms] Invoice page pulling too much info

Open xaur opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

  • Invoice page (at /invoices/{token}) is making a batch request for all proposals it needs to show line items.
  • The response contains an overkill amount of info about the proposals, including proposal files.
  • The more proposals are used in the invoice, and the more and bigger files they have, the bigger the download will be. As a real example, invoice using 4 text-only proposals pulls 40K (18K compressed) batch response. This can get much worse if attachments are not filtered for this call (I didn't test it with a proposal that has attachments).
  • All that is currently needed for display is proposal tokens and their titles.
  • In the future it may be needed to fetch some extra metadata for proposal owner's review (like proposal validity period and budget limit).
  • In any case, it shouldn't pull more than ~2-3K of JSON data in most cases.
  • I suggest to start from removing the biggest offender - not putting base64-encoded proposal files into the response.
  • Ideally, remove more unneeded data from the response like keys/sigs/censorshiprecord/etc.
  • And then I recommend to specify and freeze what should be in the batch response for this page to prevent unwanted fields creeping in in the future.

xaur avatar Dec 14 '20 00:12 xaur