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Seemless loops

Open Donkey-Doug opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

I have the settings "loop videos" on, but the loop is not perfectly seemless. The video paused half a second before the next loop starts. I think a seemless loop would be better.

Donkey-Doug avatar Oct 19 '22 19:10 Donkey-Doug

I agree it would be better, but it's probably not going to be fixed anytime soon, because it's a defect from the video player library Aves uses.

deckerst avatar Oct 19 '22 19:10 deckerst

Hi there deckerst, is Donkey-Doug referring to when a slideshow plays a video, it briefly pauses/flickers/fades first before playing? Just wanted to make sure I understood because I also noticed this when playing a slideshow. You are saying it is an issue with the current video player the app uses correct?

Christmastree56 avatar Jan 30 '23 03:01 Christmastree56

OP is talking about the playback transition when a video repeats in a loop, between the end of the video and its beginning.

I believe your issue is different. When a video starts, the app first shows the cover (embedded cover image if there is one, or whatever is used as thumbnail), and then fades to the video. This is the intended behavior. Maybe you don't like that behavior, or maybe there's indeed an issue when playing videos in slideshow, but i can't tell without further details. If you think it's buggy, please open another issue, with a screen recording.

deckerst avatar Jan 30 '23 10:01 deckerst

Ahh, I understand now. Thank you. Then with that description, there is likely no bug. As you mentioned, it is just a preference thing. I was unsure if there was an option to disable that behavior. So far, that is the only thing that sticks out to me for my preferred use case. Everything else is great, it's very clean, and I love the aesthetic. The stats in there is also a cool feature as well. Looking forward to more updates 😎

Christmastree56 avatar Jan 30 '23 21:01 Christmastree56

I've made a fork that supports seamless loops (see above). The trade-offs are that it doesn't support changing video/audio/subtitle tracks, and some video formats won't play.

ForgottenUmbrella avatar Feb 02 '23 09:02 ForgottenUmbrella