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Custom FreeBSD Ports Overlay

decke@ FreeBSD Portstree

This is my custom FreeBSD ports overlay that I use for testing and development.

Do not use this portstree yourself unless you really know what you are doing.

How to use this repository as an overlay with poudriere

  1. Install poudriere-devel package:
pkg install poudriere-devel

Note: poudriere package doesn't include required overlays fixes.

For information about configuring poudriere please refer to wiki: https://github.com/freebsd/poudriere/wiki

  1. Configure ports trees

If you already have main ports directory you can re-use it with poudriere:

poudriere ports -c -p default -m null -M /usr/ports

If you don't ports yet, you can ask poudriere to add it for you:

poudriere ports -c -p default -m git+ssh -M /usr/ports

Next, add ports from this repository:

poudriere ports -c -U https://github.com/decke/ports.git -p decke-ports -m git -B master
  1. Prepare jail for builds:
poudriere jail -c -j 13-0-adm64 -v stable/13 -a amd64 -m git
  1. Build package using this repository as overlay
poudriere bulk  -j 13-0-adm64 -O decke-ports sysutils/docker-engine

Ready to use packages should exist in /poudriere/data/packages/13-0-adm64-default/All directory.