Droidscope copied to clipboard
A dynamic analysis platform for Android
A docker file to build droidscope environment
Host environment:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Android-5.0.0_r2
- Goldfish 3.4
- Docker
- Please find more instructions here:
- https://source.android.com/setup/build/downloading
Dependencies needed by Droidscope
Please download the dependencies at first via:
wget https://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~zqi020/file_for_unpack/external.tar.gz
wget https://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~zqi020/file_for_unpack/images.tar.gz
wget https://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~zqi020/file_for_unpack/prebuilts.tar.gz
wget https://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~zqi020/file_for_unpack/out.tar.gz
Then use tar -xvf
to extract those files, which are needed in step 3
Steps to run Droidscope in docker:
1.Build the docker image
docker build --network=host -t droidscope /path/to/the/dockerfile
2.Search the created image:
sudo docker image ls
and copy that IMAGE ID
3.Start the docker image:
sudo docker run -it -e DISPLAY -v /PATH/TO/EXTERNAL:/home/developer/android_source/external -v /PATH/TO/PREBUILTS:/home/developer/android_source/prebuilts -v /PATH/TO/OUT:/home/developer/android_source/out -v /PATH/TO/IMAGE:/home/developer/images -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/developer/.Xauthority --net=host IMAGE_ID
4.Build Droidscope
cp -a /home/developer/Droidscope/droidscope/ /home/developer/android_source/external/
cd /home/developer/android_source/external/droidscope/
sudo ./android-configure.sh
sudo make -j4
5.Start Droidscope in docker container:
6.Use tab
to list the supported commands
eg. command ps
to list the running process
Steps to use DroidUnpack
1. Build unpacker
./condigure --decaf-path=/<PATH_TO_DROIDSCOPE>/ --target=android
then make
2. Install app
You may need to run install_uninstall.sh to install the app needed.
Or run the following commads before install the app
adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter "interpret-only"
adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-filter "interpret-only"
3. Load DroidUnpack in Droidscope
load_plugin DECAF_plugin/DroidUnpack/libunpacker.so
4. Run cmd
do_hookapitests procname