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Debezium Server runtime for standalone execution of Debezium connectors
Debezium Server
Debezium Server is a standalone Java application built on Quarkus framework.
The application itself contains the core
module and a set of modules responsible for communication with different target systems.
Building and Packaging
The following software is required to work with the Debezium codebase and build it locally:
- Git 2.2.1 or later
- JDK 11 or later, e.g. OpenJDK
- Docker Engine or Docker Desktop 1.9 or later
Apache Maven 3.8.4 or later
(or invoke the wrapper with./mvnw
for Maven commands)
See the links above for installation instructions on your platform. You can verify the versions are installed and running:
$ git --version
$ javac -version
$ mvn -version
Building the code
Debezium Server depends on core Debezium. You'll need to install the most recent snapshot locally. First obtain the code by cloning the Git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd debezium
Then build the code using Maven:
$ mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipTests
Then, you can build Debezium Server:
$ git clone
$ cd debezium-server
$ mvn clean install -DskipITs -DskipTests
Creating a Distribution
Debezium Server is normally run by downloading the distribution tar.gz or zip file. You can generate this file by:
$ mvn clean package -DskipITs -DskipTests -Passembly
The archives can be found under debezium-server-dist/target
Building just the artifacts, without running tests, CheckStyle, etc.
You can skip all non-essential plug-ins (tests, integration tests, CheckStyle, formatter, API compatibility check, etc.) using the "quick" build profile:
$ mvn clean verify -Dquick
This provides the fastest way for solely producing the output artifacts, without running any of the QA related Maven plug-ins. This comes in handy for producing connector JARs and/or archives as quickly as possible, e.g. for manual testing in Kafka Connect
Integration Tests
The per-module integration tests depend on the availability of the external services. It is thus recommended to execute integration tests per-module and set-up necessary pre-requisities beforehand.
Note: running these tests against external infrastructure may incur cost with your cloud provider. We're not going to pay your AWS/GCP/Azure bill.
Amazon Kinesis
- Execute
aws configure
as described in AWS CLI getting started guide and setup the account. - Create Kinesis stream
aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers --shard-count 1
- Build the module and execute the tests
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-kinesis
- Remove the stream
aws kinesis delete-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers
Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- Login into your Google Cloud account using
gcloud auth application-default login
as described in the documentation. - Build the module and execute the tests
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-pubsub
Azure Event Hubs
Login into your Azure account and create a resource group, e.g. on the CLI:
az login
az group create --name eventhubstest --location westeurope
Create an Event Hubs namespace
Create an Event Hubs namespace. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc., e.g. on the CLI:
az eventhubs namespace create --name debezium-test --resource-group eventhubstest -l westeurope
Create an Event Hub
Create an Event Hub (equivalent to a topic) with 5 partitions. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc. , e.g. on the CLI:
`az eventhubs eventhub create` --name debezium-test-hub --resource-group eventhubstest --namespace-name debezium-test --partition-count 5
Build the module
Get the Connection string required to communicate with Event Hubs. The format is: Endpoint=sb://<NAMESPACE>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<ACCESS_KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<ACCESS_KEY_VALUE>
E.g. on the CLI:
az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group eventhubstest --namespace-name debezium-test --name RootManageSharedAccessKey
Set environment variables required for tests:
export EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING=<Event Hubs connection string>
export EVENTHUBS_NAME=<name of the Event hub created in previous step>
Execute the tests:
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -Deventhubs.connection.string=$EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING$EVENTHUBS_NAME -am -pl :debezium-server-eventhubs
Examine Events in the Event Hub
E.g. using kafkacat. Create kafkacat.conf:
sasl.password=Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=<access key>
Start consuming events:
Clean up
Delete the Event Hubs namespace and log out, e.g. on the CLI:
az group delete -n eventhubstest
az logout