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Insta Error
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unable to send request to instagram :: SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/accounts/login/ (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.contrib.socks.SOCKSHTTPSConnection object at 0x7fbe312015c0>: Failed to establish a new connection: 0x06: TTL expired',))
fatal error:: unable to send request to instagram :: SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/accounts/login/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:645)'),))
@antony-jr how can i contact you ?
@Mehran @antony-jr Is a fake. If you need proof head over to his page and watch the gif at the top. It shows when he types the command its crediting DeathSec.
Please see this
@antony-jr @Mehran @deathsec did any body fixed it?
@amirovo The support was dropped long ago, its simply because I don't want to fix it. Please use if you still believe that this method works. And I specifically dropped the project because I didn't want to abuse the tor project and eventually every ip is going to be used if everyone is using the same thing. For now I could think of a very robust method to hack Instagram but this will only work if they use wifi, it could also work if the victim connects to your wifi for free internet(use social engineering?), In this method you don't have to wait for hours like brute force, once they connect and use instagram their password is yours. But I will implement this method if I have time, if this was a success then we could use the same to do this in mobile data but that's gonna need some extra work, I seriously don't want a another project like instagram-py where my alias was stolen i.e deathsec(as you can see that account alias name was mine but was newly created just after I deleted my account so technically that's not my account but the alias is).
Now I don't want the account back but just saying to people like @TristonStuart , Okay bye, I hope you get this @amirovo
Also @amirovo , @deathsec and @Mehran are the same I think...
I seriously wonder why people are so keen on tools that don't really work like
In the zero day the hack should have worked for a decent amount but now its utter sh*t. No offence. So for a insight, even if you have the best wordlist I hardly think that those tools will tell you if the password you entered was the password so its going to be a infinite loop after like 100 tries ??? I don't know but I think there will be more false positives and even if there are no false positives then instagram will force lock the account asks you to verify your phone number.. and that could be tricky. Its a wild gamble but I hardly think the script could tell if a password is correct or wrong.