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My awesome dotfiles :rocket:


TravisCI Build Status

These are my configuration files for Linux and Mac. It is still work in progress, so expect a lot of changes, but I think it is stable enough to be usable. My Vim configuration is great for Java, Haxe and Typescript development when running Vim in Tmux and using Git. So, if you are doing all of this, then feel free to steal some stuff from here.



  • git - Most of the installation process is managed via Git, so you need this one.
  • stow - Stow is used for dotfile installation (creating symlinks)

How to install?

It is simple, just use make

git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

Most of my dotfiles are using Terminus font, so to make everything look correct, install it in both TrueType and bitmap format.

How to update?

You can just use Git:

cd ~/.dotfiles
git pull --rebase

How to inlude your own stuff?

After you have installed dotfiles, you can start including your own stuff by creating appropriate .local dotfiles in home directory:

$EDITOR ~/.gitconfig.local
$EDITOR ~/.vimrc.local
$EDITOR ~/.profile.local
$EDITOR ~/.zshrc.local
$EDITOR ~/.tmux.conf.local

To add your own Vim, Tmux or Zsh plugin you can just clone it to proper bundle/local directory:

# Add SuperTab vim plugin
git clone git:// \

# Add Tmux sessionist plugin
git clone git:// \

# Add zsh-autoenv zsh plugin
git clone git:// \

Included stuff


  • alias-tips: A plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once
  • base-16-shell: A shell script to change your shell's default ANSI colors but most importantly, colors 17 to 21 of your shell's 256 colorspace (if supported by your terminal)
  • cdls*: Runs ls -A on directory change
  • codi*: A nice way to use Codi is through a shell wrapper
  • fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
  • globalias**: Expands all glob expressions, subcommands and aliases (including global)
  • ix*: A command line pastebin - shell
  • vi-mode**: Enhanced Vi mode for zsh with history substring search support
  • zim: ZIM - Zsh IMproved



  • tmux-continuum: Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on.
  • tmux-copycat: Enhances tmux search
  • tmux-open: Tmux key bindings for quick opening of a highlighted file or url
  • tmux-resurrect: Persists tmux environment across system restarts
  • tmux-sensible: basic tmux settings everyone can agree on
  • tmux-sessionist: Lightweight tmux utils for manipulating sessions
  • tmux-yank: Plugin for copying to system clipboard
  • vim-tmux-navigator: Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits

* These plugins are made by me, so do not bother searching for them online
** These plugins are copied from oh-my-zsh, with some modifications