Polycarp Okock
Polycarp Okock
> > > img_as_ubyte(img) > > > > > > UserWarning: C:/Users/sdp/Desktop/images\1_predict.png is a low contrast image > > io.imsave(os.path.join(save_path,"%d_predict.png"%i),img_as_ubyte(img)) > > please help > > Have you solved this...
I have created a [Collab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14PQcyxgjXFZBpdqWcQSzaxWYoQfm0Xns?usp=sharing) of this repo. Change line 55 in models.py to ` model = Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = conv10)` The same warnings are there but...
> > Sure assuming you get a predicted image from the model like this: > > `predicted_image_gray = model.predict(input_image)` > > `predicted_image_gray` should be a numpy array with values( >...
> > > I think it is because some functions in keras is out of date. Some functions are deprecated and below are the warnings when I run the program...
> I also have the same problem I think is the label set but I don't know how to solve it. My problem is to use radar images to forecast...
If you don't want to use augmentation set the sollowing line: `data_gen_args = dict()` Significant difference, yes and no answer. IDepends on how varied your own data is...
Did you solve the warning of "Update your model...? Might have to do with Keras version you are using? Find this line in model.py `model = Model(input = inputs, output...
> `hist = model.fit_generator(trainGene, validation_data=validGene, validation_steps=3, steps_per_epoch=step_epoch, epochs=epochs, verbose=2, shuffle=True, callbacks=[model_checkpoint,tensorboard,history])` > I solved the problem by writing this way. Hope helpful to someone. Am curious how you defined the...
> `tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir='./logs', histogram_freq=0,write_graph=True, write_images=False) ` this is to define tensorboard,and you need to import relevant packages. > `history = LossHistory() ` this is to define history, but LossHistory()...
> Thank you very much for this code > there is no problem in training > while prediction faced > after 25 it failed > > 25/30 [========================>.....] - ETA:...