There is no real advanced debugging, you could add -showscripterrors to the inbetween -exThreads and -pid= but its meant to be there by default you could also try adding...
Glad you fixed it :)
This shouldn't matter anymore due to the Steam Updates as all player UID's are numbers now
You need the Napf addon from here ``` ``` remember to add the key to the keys folder and then add @napf or whatever the folder name is to...
It should be, but when I was setting up our sauerland server, I was getting mod doesnt exist problem so I just downloaded the Sauerland map, and added it to...
Then, It would be easier just to upload the map files, and follow the steps I did above, Maybe those maps aren't built in on Linux version yet,
Sorry, I forgot that happened use the map from these files, thats the official download from the website.
What content? also did you run the tolower and install file
Just got that today, Might want to change that in next update if there is one
Nearly got a working prototype for you.