node-chimera copied to clipboard
Please support sunos_x64 platform install (for nodejitsu)
I get the following error when trying to deploy my app with nodejitsu. The app runs fine on OSX, but from the release notes I gather chimera doesn't support SunOS?
error: Error running command deploy error: Nodejitsu Error (500): Internal Server Error error: npm http GET npm http 200 npm http GET npm http 200 npm http GET npm http 200 npm http GET npm http 200
[email protected] postinstall /root/tmp/tmp-6507ftvj2rk/build/package/node_modules/chimera node scripts/download_native_binary.js
downloading chimera native binary for: sunos_x64
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: incorrect header check
at Zlib._binding.onerror (zlib.js:283:17)
npm ERR! [email protected] postinstall: node scripts/download_native_binary.js
npm ERR! sh "-c" "node scripts/download_native_binary.js"
failed with 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the chimera package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node scripts/download_native_binary.js
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls chimera
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! System SunOS 5.11 npm ERR! command "/opt/local/bin/node" "/opt/local/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! cwd /root/tmp/tmp-6507ftvj2rk/build/package npm ERR! node -v v0.8.16 npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.69 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /root/tmp/tmp-6507ftvj2rk/build/package/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0