i-sheet-you-not copied to clipboard
Can Not Create New Workflow
I used the tweaked version of i-sheet-you-not downloaded from here to make it work on MacOS 12.3. Everything works fine except for creating new workflows. I get the following error:
ERROR: I Sheet You Not[Run Script] Building workflow "test wf" in /Users/xin/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-i-sheet-you-not.c377cb825e93476a927dd646a46b24c5 ... env: python: No such file or directory
The directory does exists in Finder, but the error raises anyway.
Could someone help me fix this?
Even as the Python directory exists in Finder, check what the computer is looking at via Terminal. Try the command ls -l /usr/bin/python*
and see what comes back. For me, it's /usr/bin/python3
(because I've gone ahead and installed Python 3).
Then, open the Alfred workflow itself in Finder and open the executable file isyn
in a text/code editor. Make sure that on the first line (which originally read #!/usr/bin/python
) that this matches what you found in Terminal. In my case, I had to change that line to #!/usr/bin/python3
and now ISYN works.
Hope that helps!
@brianseidman I tried your solution in various of ways. Still it doesn't work. The problem is too complicated for me to solve. Anyway, I learnt something from your post. Thank you!
@Cybesjie you can try this Python 3 fork