webshot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
webshot copied to clipboard

Screenshot websites as a service.


Screenshot websites as a service.

The images are getting cached for 1 minute and only the first load takes some time to process.

How to Use

Simply add the link of the website you want to screenshot to the end of https://webshot.deam.io/.

Example, to grab a screenshot of https://www.google.com/ use: https://webshot.deam.io/https://www.google.com/

Other examples

https://webshot.deam.io/ + https://www.google.com/
https://webshot.deam.io/ + zeit.co/blog/ + ?type=png
https://webshot.deam.io/ + zeit.co/about/ + ?fullPage=true
https://webshot.deam.io/ + stripe.com/ + ?fullPage=true
https://webshot.deam.io/ + ceriously.com/ + ?type=jpeg&quality=75&fullPage=true
https://webshot.deam.io/ + https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ + ?height=1000&width=1000

Use cases

  • You could use this as a preview image for your website in og:image or twitter:image (tutorial here)
  • Grab a screenshot of a bug in production, send the link instead of an image
  • Constantly updated site showcasing for your portfolio
  • Hotlink images directly to blog posts



  • First install all dependencies. npm i
  • You can then run npm run api to play around with the API itself.
  • If you want to preview the landing page, you can go to frontend folder and npm i.
  • Lastly you can run npm run dev.


  • Go to frontend folder, install dependencies and then run npm run build.
  • Rename the out folder to public and then move it into the root directory.
  • Create an account at https://zeit.co/signup and then run npx now login.
  • Finally you can run the npx now command in terminal and it will begin to deploy.

Used in

  • https://github.com/deamme/usecrypto


  • https://github.com/styfle/screenshot-v2