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A Python DB-API abstraction module.


This module provides a simple wrapper mechanism that abstracts away differences in various DB-API modules. It is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.

The Python DB-API specifies a standardized set of mechanisms to access different database engines. However, the specification allows for considerable leeway in how SQL statements and queries are presented to the user, including different parameter quoting styles.

For example, some modules want you to present parameterized queries like this:

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = ? AND age = ?

and provide a list of parameters at execution time.

Others might expect

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = %(name)s AND age = %(age)s

and a dictionary of parameters.

All told, there are five different quoting styles allowed by the DB-API.

This module abstracts away those differences and also allows for SQL statements and queries to be completely isolated from Python code. It serves as a very lightweight database abstraction library, and makes it possible to switch database engines by swapping out a single configuration file. Unlike many full-fledged ORM systems, it does not impose any structural requirements on the database itself and in fact encourages programmers to write arbitrarily complex queries that take advantage of the database's native ability to manipulate data.

The core of the module is the Database class, which represents a connection to a database. Database objects are instantiated with a configuration that describes how to connect to a database (what module to use and what arguments to pass to the module's connect function), and what queries will be run on the database. Configurations are just Python dictionaries (or any other object that inherits from the collections.Mapping abstract base class), and can be easily read from JSON files or ConfigParser objects. Here is a simple example configuration that connects to a SQLite in-memory database:

>>> config = {
...     "MODULE": {
...         "name": "sqlite3"
...     },
...     "DATABASE": {
...         "database": ":memory:"
...     },
...     "QUERIES": {
...         "create_table": "CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT NOT NULL)",
...         "create_user": "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${name}, ${password})",
...         "list_users": "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name ASC",
...         "get_password": "SELECT password FROM users WHERE name = ${name}",
...         "delete_user": "DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ${name}"
...     }
... }

We can create a database using this configuration and create a test table using the "create_table" query that we defined (in a real world implementation, the database would probably have already been populated, but this serves well for an example):

>>> db = Database(config)
>>> result = db.create_table()

Note how the queries we've defined become methods on the Database object we created.

We can call methods on the database object to execute queries, passing parameters in as necessary. The parameters are automatically converted to the module's appropriate paramter quoting mechanism:

>>> result = db.create_user(name="bruce", password="iamthenight")
>>> result = db.create_user(name="arthur", password="glublub")

The arguments passed to the query are safely substituted into the queries defined in the configuration. Queries return results as lists of rows passed through a row factory function; by default this turns each row into a dictionary mapping column names to values:

>>> db.list_users() == [{"name": "arthur", "password": "glublub"}, {"name": "bruce", "password": "iamthenight"}]

A different factory function can be specified at instantiation time. It takes two arguments: a DB-API standard cursor object and a row, and can return any value. For example, here is the default row factory function:

>>> def row_factory(cursor, row):
...     return dict((name[0], value) for name, value in zip(cursor.description, row))

>>> db2 = Database(config, row_factory)
>>> result = db2.create_table()
>>> result = db2.create_user(name="dick", password="batmanrules")
>>> db2.list_users() == [{"name": "dick", "password": "batmanrules"}]

Connection and Transaction Contexts

The Database class also acts as a context manager:

>>> with Database(config) as db:
...     result = db.create_table()
...     result = db.create_user(name="hal", password="brightestday")
...     result = db.list_users()

The Transaction class also provides a context manager that implements transactions:

>>> db = Database(config)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> try:
...     with Transaction(db):
...         result = db.create_user(name="hal", password="brightestday")
...         result = db.create_user(name="hal", password="darkestnight")
... except Exception:
...     print("transaction failed") # by quirk, this works in Py2 and Py3.
transaction failed

And note that because the failure happened within a transaction, nothing was added to the database:

>>> db.list_users()

This mechanism has the nice benefit that transactions can include non-database related statements within the context that will cause an automatic transaction rollback should they fail.

Unsafe Substitutions

The "QUERIES" section of the database configuration allows parameterization using string.Template syntax. These substitutions are automatically converted to the module's native substitution format (qmark, named, etc). These substitutions can appear in arbitrarily complex queries:

>>> config["QUERIES"]["update_password"] = "UPDATE users SET password = COALESCE(${password}, password) WHERE name = ${name}"
>>> with Database(config) as db:
...     result = db.create_table()
...     result = db.create_user(name="clark", password="greatcaesarsghost")
...     result = db.update_password(name="clark", password="visitbeautifulkandor")
...     db.list_users() == [{"name": "clark", "password": "visitbeautifulkandor"}]

However, many database engines only allow certain portions of queries to be parameterized using parameter substitution. Often, "structural" components in a query (the names of tables, columns used for sorting, sort order, limits, etc) cannot be substituted using the module's substitution mechanism. For these sorts of situations, unsafe substitution can be used. Note that the name means what it says: using this form of substitution can result in SQL injection attacks, so use them wisely!

Unsafe substitutions are indicated by using normal Python string interpolation syntax. For example:

>>> config["QUERIES"]["list_users"] = "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name %(order)s"
>>> db = Database(config)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user(name="ralghul", password="lazarus")
>>> result = db.create_user(name="ocobblepot", password="wahwahwah")
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "ralghul", "password": "lazarus"}, {"name": "ocobblepot", "password": "wahwahwah"}]
>>> db.list_users(order="ASC") == [{"name": "ocobblepot", "password": "wahwahwah"}, {"name": "ralghul", "password": "lazarus"}]
>>> db.close()

Unsafe substitutions can add new safe substitutions:

>>> config["QUERIES"]["get_user_with_predicate"] =  "SELECT * FROM users WHERE %(predicate)s"
>>> db = Database(config)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user(name="vfries", password="socold")
>>> db.get_user_with_predicate(predicate="name LIKE ${pattern}", pattern="v%") == [{"name": "vfries", "password": "socold"}]

Runtime Configuration

For simplicity of use, a handle and a module can be passed directly to the Database init method:

>>> import sqlite3
>>> config2 = {
...     "QUERIES": {
...         "create_table": "CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT NOT NULL)",
...         "create_user": "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${name}, ${password})",
...         "list_users": "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name ASC",
...         "get_password": "SELECT password FROM users WHERE name = ${name}",
...         "delete_user": "DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ${name}"
...     }
... }
>>> handle = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
>>> db = Database(config2, handle=handle, module=sqlite3)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user(name="jjonzz", password="oleo")
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "jjonzz", "password": "oleo"}]
>>> handle.close()

Mapping Positional Names and Custom Return Values

Queries can also use positional names:

>>> config3 = {
...     "QUERIES": {
...         "create_table": "CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT NOT NULL)",
...         "create_user": "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${_0}, ${_1})",
...         "list_users": "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name ASC"
...     }
... }
>>> handle2 = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
>>> db = Database(config3, handle=handle2, module=sqlite3)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user("vstone", "beepboop")
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "vstone", "password": "beepboop"}]
>>> handle2.close()

If queries are going to be called often using purely positional arguments, they can be named:

>>> config4 = {
...     "QUERIES": {
...         "create_table": "CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password TEXT NOT NULL)",
...         "create_user": {
...             "query": "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${username}, ${password})",
...             "parameters": ["username", "password"]
...         },
...         "list_users": "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name ASC"
...     }
... }
>>> handle3 = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
>>> db = Database(config4, handle=handle3, module=sqlite3)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user("vstone", "beepboop")
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "vstone", "password": "beepboop"}]

Adding Additional Queries at Runtime

New queries can be added at runtime:

>>> db.add_query("uppercase_passwords", "UPDATE users SET password = UPPER(password)")
>>> result = db.uppercase_passwords()
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "vstone", "password": "BEEPBOOP"}]

The position-to-name mapping can be provided as an optional third argument:

>>> db.add_query("lowercase_password_for_user", "UPDATE users SET password = LOWER(password) WHERE name = ${name}", ["name"])
>>> result = db.lowercase_password_for_user("vstone")
>>> db.list_users(order="DESC") == [{"name": "vstone", "password": "beepboop"}]

Multi-Statement Queries

A single query can contain multiple statements. These statements will be executed in order and within a transaction. The result of the last statement is the result of the query:

>>> db.add_query("create_user_returning_id", [
...     "INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${username}, ${password})",
...     "SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS id"
... ], ["username", "password"])
>>> result = db.create_user_returning_id("oqueen", "thequiver")
>>> "id" in result[0] and isinstance(result[0]["id"], int)

Extended ConfigParser Format

Python 3.x ConfigParser objects can be used "naturally", since they conform to the Mapping protocol. Such files look like this::



statement1=SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ${baz}

However, this "natural" mapping doesn't support specification of multi-statement queries or named positional arguments.

(Note that JSON files are also "natural" to use, but without line breaks in strings it's hard to make large queries readable.)

As a convenience to the user, the Database class supports two static constructors: from_config and from_config_file. Addtionally, two instance methods are defined: load_queries_from_config and load_queries_from_config_file.

These constructors read a specially-formed ConfigParser file format that supports all of this module's special features. Note that it is in no way required to use this format for configuration: JSON files, regular ConfigParser objects (in Python 3.x), Python dictionaries, or any other Mapping can be used. This special format is just a convenience, especially for Python 2.x users.

The format looks like this:

>>> config5 = '''
... [MODULE]
... name = sqlite3
... database = :memory:
... [QUERY create_table]
... statement1 = CREATE TABLE users (
...         name     TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
...         password TEXT NOT NULL
...      )
... [QUERY create_user_returning_id]
... parameters  = name password
... statement1  = INSERT INTO users(name, password) VALUES(${name}, ${password})
... statement2  = SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS id
... '''

This configuration can be used like this:

>>> db = Database.from_config(config5)
>>> result = db.create_table()
>>> result = db.create_user_returning_id("dprince", "greathera")
>>> "id" in result[0] and isinstance(result[0]["id"], int)

Each section whose name starts with "QUERY" defines a query. The name of the query is the name of the section with "QUERY " stripped off the front.

If a "parameters" option is defined in that section, the value of that option is a space-separated list of argument names.

Each statement in a query is defined by having an arbitrary number of options whose names start with "statement". Note that these options are lexically sorted at load time, so pay careful attention to the names you choose.

Testing This Module

This module has embedded doctests that are run with the module is invoked from the command line. Simply run the module directly to run the tests.

Contact Information and Licensing

This module was written by Rob King ([email protected]).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.