eBot-CSGO copied to clipboard
What if pthreads doesn't want to work?
What if pthreads doesn't want to work?
| PHP 5.3.1 or newer -> required -> [ Yes ] 7.2.34-8+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 | Standard PHP Library -> required -> [ Yes ] | MySQL -> required -> [ Yes ] | Sockets -> required -> [ Yes ] | pthreads -> required -> [ No ]
| Your php configuration missed, please make sure that you have all feature !
What else do you need to throw off in order to understand the problem? Thank you in advance)
There is a bug with php 7 and pthread version. Edit: php 7, not php5
You need to install a custom version of PHP, not a provided one by distribution package : https://github.com/deStrO/eBot-CSGO/blob/master/install.txt
eBot needs pthreads to receive and process logs at the same time.