glpi_monitoring copied to clipboard
Compatibility with GLPI 9.1
we can't update GLPI 0.90 to 9.1. Because of an incompatibility with the plugin, migration is impossible and it is a shame.
It can work in 9.1.2 with little modifications in setup.php for both plugins monitoring and webservices.
In file setup.php, just modify test in fonction "plugin_<PLUGIN>_check_prerequisites()" :
if (version_compare(GLPI_VERSION,'0.85','lt') || version_compare(GLPI_VERSION,'9.2','ge')) {
could you please upgrade your plugin to be compatible with GLPI 9.1.
Yes, will do it quickly
Could you provide an update on this issue ?
I will do this this week end ;)
I'm looking forward to Monday ;) Have a good week-end
I'm testing GLPI 9.2 and I still need monitoring. I managed to make monitoring work. Some method are removed since 9.1 others are deprecated (still work but will be removed).
I found only these methods that break compatibilty :
- in componentscatalog.class.php:191, edit static hosts in components catalog.
// Dropdown::showAllItems('items_id');
- in componentscatalog.class.php:1047, synthesis in components catalog. For "Start Date field" :
//Html::showDateFormItem("date_start", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', date('U') - (24 * 3600 * 7)));
array('value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', date('U') - (24 * 3600 * 7)),
'timestep' => 1,
'maybeempty' => true
and for "End date field" :
//Html::showDateFormItem("date_end", date('Y-m-d'));
array('value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'timestep' => 1,
'maybeempty' => true
Others methods are deprecated ("openArrowMassives()" and "closeArrowMassives") but still work. I didn't find others but I didn't check everything. For my use (managed Shinken config, computers state, resources state, alerts) it still works perfectly. It allows me to wait for an future update (and probably migrate to Alignak ?).
Find another used in notification templates.
- in servicenotificationtemplate.form.php:196 :
Est ce qu'il y a du nouveau vis à vis du Plugin Monitoring ?
Je dois rendre un rapport lundi et cela ne marche toujours pas :+1:
Une piste ? Un nouveau plugin ?
Merci d'avance !
Hello and sorry to rewrite this post (better in english isn't it ?
On GLPI 9.1.6, I try to install : Injection de fichiers | 2.4.2 | GPLv2+ | Activé | W. Nouh, R. Collet, N. Mahu-Lasson, X. Caillaud Monitoring | 0.90+1.0 | AGPLv3+ | Activé | D. DURIEUX OCS Inventory NG | 1.3.3 | GPLv2+ | Activé | G. Dubois, R. Collet, N. Mahu-Lasson, D. Durieux, X. Caillaud, W. Nouh, A. Jaouen Services Web | 1.7. | GPLv2+ | Activé | Remi Collet, Nelly Mahu-Lasson
I experience some problemes withthe Monitoring Problem which are not well displayed on GLPI. (Please have a look on the screenshot below)
Is there some update of this plugin, or something to do for make that working ?
Is there someone working on that ?
Thanks by advance
Check the profiles
Could you explain me how to do as I am a beginner ? Perhaps you have an exemple ?
Thanks by advance Richard
Check in "Administration > Profils > YOUR_PROFILE".
Ok, so that's not normal :(
@ddurieux it's an example for @FrichardF :)
Ah ok sorry :p
I have the same than you : Another Idea ?
Is there an update ?
Thanks by advance
Is there any error in debug mode ? Are you in 9.2 version or 9.1.x ? in php-error.log ?
Debug mode ? Sorry, as I am a real beginner. I am on 9.1.6. Thanks for your time.
Is it this one ?
Do you have Shinken installed ? Does it communicate with GLPI, through webservices plugin (arbiter log) ?
3 points below :
1 - Shinken 2.4.3 installed but pending on host :
2 - Could you explain how to do : "Does it communicate with GLPI, through webservices plugin (arbiter log)"
3 - Here are the log files in debug mode from /opt/glpi/file/_log/ sql-errors.log remove.txt php-errors.log event.log cron.log webservices.log
pas d'erreurs dans les .log Shinken a priori
Others logs
autres log shinken schedulerd.log receiverd.log reactionnerd.log pollerd.log Uploading brokerd.log…
log apache2