caffe copied to clipboard
"caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "gradient_scaler_param"
I am trying to reproduce the results from your ICML 2015 paper. I have installed caffe and pycaffe from your forked version of it, and run the prepare_experiments scripts. However, when I try
I get the following error:
I0908 14:17:37.180552 2839 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: /mnt/workspace2/ganin_caffe/examples/adaptation/experiments/amazon_to_webcam/protos/train_val.prototxt
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 555:25: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "gradient_scaler_param".
F0908 14:17:37.180871 2839 upgrade_proto.cpp:79] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: /mnt/workspace2/ganin_caffe/examples/adaptation/experiments/amazon_to_webcam/protos/train_val.prototxt
(I get the same error with regard to the use of the option cursor: SHUFFLING in the data layers, but it is less bothering as not related to your method per se.)
Would you see how to fix this? Thanks!
@lalil0u - where you able to solve these issues? I am facing the same problem (both the SHUFFLING and the gradient_scaler_param)
you need to build this forked version of caffe..if caffe builds without any error, the training should start..
thanks. i'm working on windows 10 so i'm using the "windows" branch of caffe and it's not very easy for me to compile a new fork. instead, I made all the necessary changes (added the gradient_scaler_layer hpp and cpp, updated solver.cpp, updated caffe.proto, updated db files etc) according to the "compare changes" of this fork. I also checked that I fulfilled all the steps of the "add a new layer" caffe development guide. I then recompiled and it passed fine, I just have the above issue when I try to train the network..
note that the PR also mentioned that he compiled this fork and still had these issues..
As you can see the error says that caffe is not able to find this might be missing a step..can't comment on that..
I faced the same error, but after compiling this brach of caffe in linux, it was solved!
Hi @iariav , I don't remember how I had solved this - I've moved to Torch since then... Good luck!