Damien Dotta
Damien Dotta
However, for a simple query like this, it is hard to see the benefit of combining with the arrow package from the dbplyr side, so it might be more easier...
In `csv_to_parquet()` function, it would be graet to replace [read_delim()](https://readr.tidyverse.org/reference/read_delim.html) from {readr} with [read_delim_arrow()](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/reference/read_delim_arrow.html) from arrow, which would improve performance.
Just to signal that I wrote an enhanced interface to SQL that is in https://github.com/jllipatz/SQL. That's just WIP... _Originally posted by @jllipatz in https://github.com/ddotta/parquetize/issues/27#issuecomment-1508256414_
To reassure the owners of the original data : - Structure of data - Number of rows/cols...
Pour ajout dans #476
Sur le format de données parquet, il en est question [à cet endroit](https://github.com/InseeFrLab/utilitR/blob/master/03_Fiches_thematiques/Fiche_targets.qmd#L329-L334). Compte-tenu de l'importance que peut prendre ce type de fichiers dans l'utilisation de données volumineuses avec R,...
### Link to suggestion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz-zAHBz6Ks ### Targeted section Require a new section (please describe below) ### Describe your suggestion - [Polars and time series | PyData 2024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz-zAHBz6Ks) ⏳ 29 min...
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