Damion Dooley
Damion Dooley
Note that OBOFoundry now officially recommends that labels etc. have language tags rather than "string" datatype. https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/issues/479 . I'm checking if there are any other restrictions on language tag content...
One Protege update relevant to this is https://github.com/protegeproject/protege/issues/784 . Requires downloading protege 5.6.0 . However Stanford's default download for MAC OS is 5.5 still.
Alan Ruttenberg has just commented about https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-choosing-language-tags , mentioning it recommends RFC 5646 which you link to above, Rob!
I thought about that but "regular" then sounds like it pertains to "individual" , not "diet". This is the regular diet of an individual, rather than diet of a "regular...
That makes sense to me too. A descriptive diet enumerates (lists, records) the things eaten (by an individual or group), and possibly the times they were eaten (by an individual...
@cyang0128 I agree a given word or phrase can have different senses depending on research community. I advocate though to make those differences explicit by differently named terms, and using...
I'll take a good look at this this week. It would help to restate the definitions of the "diet" and "dietary pattern" terms here again, to see that they don't...
I think mead is actually FoodOn's = "mead wine", since on the Net there seems to be no other sense of "mead wine" that doesn't point to mead?
Synonyms are additional terms linked to a primary term using the oboInOwl:hasSynonym, oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym, oboInOwl:hasNarrowSynonym (for terms we haven't necessarily gotten around to curating, or don't have enough information on, or...
We anticipate additional labels will only exist for language translations of the primary (english) label.