flutter-rerunnable-future-builder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter-rerunnable-future-builder copied to clipboard

Shows how to reset the FutureBuilder with a new future

using the future loader

Shows how to reset the FutureBuilder with a new future.

The future loader is an excellent way to easily handle the three render states of a an async operation:

  1. Loading
  2. Success
  3. Failure

However, as this project shows, the flutter base FutureBuilder has an issue.

When trying to re-run the future, replacing it with a new one, we hit the issue that the snapshot state, hasData or hasError is not being reset.


In addition to only detecting the state based on hasData and hasError also make sure to look at the connectionState, if it is in waiting, the future is still running.

final builder = FutureBuilder(
    future: _future,
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
      if (snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
        return _buildLoader();
      if (snapshot.hasError) {
        return _buildError();
      if (snapshot.hasData) {
        return _buildDataView();
      return _buildNoData();


The FutureBuilder is indeed rebuilt when setting a new future but the data of the AsyncSnapshot<T> it not being reset, only the connectionState.

This happens in the didUpdateWidget which afterwards also rebuilds the component. But as we can see, instead of recreating the _snapshot completely, only the ConnectionState is updated.

  void didUpdateWidget(FutureBuilder<T> oldWidget) {
    if (oldWidget.future != widget.future) {
      if (_activeCallbackIdentity != null) {
        // Snapshot state is reset here
        _snapshot = _snapshot.inState(ConnectionState.none);

example view

Not future builder working, hasData and hasError is not cleared:

not working example

Working example, using ConnectionState:

working example