
Results 197 comments of ddelange

@andresmgot could you link a reference to that announcement? I'm currently browsing for a quick-fix to run bitnami-docker-owncloud on arm64, and I'm considering resorting to the slightly outdated https://hub.docker.com/r/thenoots/arm-bitnami-minideb (closest...

I see, all good. Yes the image is of unknown source, so not very keen on using it. > Raspberries, cloud ARM instances, the new Mac? You picked three very...

will probably need rebase after https://github.com/ray-project/ray/pull/28808

@joerick I wanted to give the 'advanced parallelization' setup from #1261 a try when I ran into this limitation. Any chance this PR could get a merge&release? Many thanks!

fwiw - cp311 https://github.com/ddelange/asyncpg/actions/runs/3092263953/jobs/5003341864#step:4:43 - same for all other win32 builds: `Invalid --only='cp310-win32', must be a build selector with a known platform` in https://github.com/ddelange/asyncpg/pull/2 and before this change it was...

Finally figured it out: - Make sure Obsidian Git is on latest version, push that change if update was necessary - Install Obsidian for Android - Create a new vault...

> app flashes might that be a bug @Vinzent03?

> symbolic link to the settings Just a suggestion for future reference: once this plugin rolls out git submodule support for mobile, you could have a meta repo with shared...

fwiw on my Android: - I just edit a file (and go from edit mode to view mode in the right top, since I have the toggle in plugin settings...