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Domain Driven Design PHP helper classes
use EntityManagerInterface, makes life a lot easier :)
Currently, CI is failing with error `rbenv: version '5.4' not installed`.
First of all I want to thank you boys for your job. I bought your e-book and find it useful. Event's occurredOn attributes types should be immutable, but StoredEvent's occurredOn...
Hi, can you suggest me how can I subscribe PersistDomainEventSubscriber globally on Symfony 3? For now I have registered this two services: ``` event.repository: class: Messenger\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\DoctrineEventStoreRepository factory: ['@doctrine', getRepository] arguments:...
Includes: - `EventSourcingAggregateRoot`: common functionality for _aggregate roots_. Inspired from _last-wishes-gamify_ project. - `EventSourcingStore`: interface inspired from V. Vernon. - `EventStream`: class inspired from V. Vernon.
In the class Ddd\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\DoctrinePublishedMessageTracker on line 18 the code should be replaced with: $messageTracked = $this->findOneBy(array('typeName'=>$aTypeName), array('trackerId'=>'DESC')); in order to return the last PublishedMessageId
In 6.6.1 you have a definition of the class `StoredEvent` There is a property in the class, that do not has an implementation
I'm confused about why EventStore is placed in Ddd\Application instead of Ddd\Domain. The interface is referenced by Ddd\Domain\PersistDomainEventSubscriber. This shouldn't be allowed because you don't want dependencies from the Domain...