David Corbacho

Results 18 comments of David Corbacho

@pirog mentioned "Remove our dependency on Bitnami". Will it happen? Still early 2022 is the goal for v4? Thank you

Same issue. Using the react flavour here. A change of day from 16 to 15, by deleting one character, mess up the date. Step 0 -> `16.05.2019` Step 1, remove...

Thanks @ahahn95 Finally I didn't apply the Cleave date formatter, only the generic "blocks" options. The way I render the field, using dayjs, makes the date correct. The update happens...

Your comment @ahahn95 got sorted after my reply to you. You are from the future ! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/881333/57402539-335f3000-71e0-11e9-8b16-fe4b6b62a887.png)

I found the issue in my case. Because of React re-rendering the code, it was executing (and generating) multiple `new ApolloClient` instances. Make sure to put a console.log('test') next to...

@MrDoomBringer let me help you here: A reproducible test case. During the first 10 seconds, Apollo DevTools work, you can see the Queries for example. https://90g9kq.csb.app/ After 10 seconds, a...

I fixed this by defining a global timezone, because in our app, we prefer to ignore user's local timezone. The user understands that the date they are picking is according...

Same here. Fires early in Chrome OsX