4clj-el copied to clipboard
Emacs minor-mode for interacting with 4clojure problems.
four-clj.el ** Introduction This is an Emacs minor mode aimed at Clojure beginners (much like myself). You type M-x 4clojure-problem <RET>
<RET> and the mode takes care of the rest. For a better experience, use [[https://github.com/jochu/clojure-mode][clojure-mode]] and [[https://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure/][swank-clojure]]. ** Installation Download the file, put it somewhere in your load-path (~/.emacs.d, for instance) and require it: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/4clj-el/") (require 'four-clj) #+END_SRC ** Configuration *** 4clj-comment-string Holds the comment prefix for description. *** 4clj-buffer-name 4clojure buffer name. Defaults to 4clojure. *** 4clj-template-function The function that renders the template. Anything that receives a string with newline-separated tests and returns a string template will do. ** Todo Escape HTML in problem description.
Put the problem number in the buffer name (it erases the 4clojure buffer contents).