Any news on this very annoying issue? Thanks.
Yes, a map launched from a list of stored caches, *not* in live view mode. So I only see stored caches. When I tap on a cache on the map...
What makes it so irritating for me is that when you go back to the list view and then reopen the map, the map zoom is reset everytime and you...
This problem still exists. For me personally, it is by far the most annoying bug in c:geo. In the current version, it also appears in the "opposite direction": When in...
Sorry to bump this, but: Any chance we will see a fix for this issue soon? For me personally it is by far the most annoying bug in c:geo. It...
> If I'm not mistaken this part is done intentionally to prevent caches being deleted by accident. If you hit "delete" on the wrong cache, you can easily restore it...
It would be great if some way to add hillshading to the unified map would be found. Otherwise, as a mountaineer, I would continue to use the old map. The...
I too would really appreciate support for the slide transitions offered by PDF, as for example described in section 14.3 of the [documentation](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf) of Till Tantau's beamer package. Currently, this...
Not sure if it is the same issue, but backup also has stopped working for me recently. Signal stats say it occupies 9.7 GB of my storage space, and I...
Hi, I will be travelling for several weeks and cannot currently provide this. Will retest after I return.